Tuesday, December 31, 2019

12/31/19 2019 Was A Decent Year?

    Here we are again, the end of another year.  This one has not been bad overall, even if the start gave us a good scare.  The start of the year had my dad in the hospital for a few days, which luckily, he recovered nicely enough.  This gave him the big scare enough that he finally gave up smoking.  I still see young idiots smoking (last night, one at Academy) and can't help but think "Stupid, it is costing you like $7-$8 a pack to slowly kill your lungs.  You are a genius."  But anyways, Dad is still around, I wouldn't say kicking, but still being a pain in the butt with my mom.  My mom has been much stronger, which is good, someone needs to be in charge over there.
    We finally celebrated the big quince for my niece a couple weeks later, still in January.  It was a real touching moment to see Dad recuperated and able to go out there and dance a bit with her, we were all glad for the moment to happen.  That night is a highpoint for us, all the family dressed up and celebrating together, even my dad's brother who has been having his own medical problems was there helping his son cater the event.
    The Spring was more normal, Javalina went out for the track team and it was great to see him throw the shot put, less so the discus, and then less so the running.  Let's face it, Mijo is a beautiful athlete, strong as they come, but he is not a runner, and he has been working on it, but you can't expect a lineman at 220 pounds to line up with kids weighing 100 pounds less and he keep up, it isn't fair.  It was still fun going out there and watching him compete.  Boy also got serious about their business endeavors and they were running both of his 3D printers non-stop for a while.  They actually have made enough to invest in a third 3D printer that also does laser etching and cuts metal for future projects they have in mind.
    There was the graduation of a cousin in May, which was cool for the family.  We had a nice day and the family all got together in San Antonio to celebrate with him.  I actually got a bit tipsy, had a great time and all I remember is Wife driving me home.
    Javalina started high school which kind of scared me a bit.  My worries are that he would be bullied or made to feel less than by some idiot.  From what I hear daily though is that he is just fine.  He has plenty of friends with the football players and he spends his days rough housing with them and I think that is enough for other kids to not want to get in their way, believe me, the boy hits like a ton of bricks, and he can be annoying when he comes at you, so I no longer worry about him being bullied but that he may be a bit of a bully.  He swears to me that he only bullies those that need it.
    I have had a couple of scares that led me to the E/R.  Both times they have been dumb, but I should still do something about my weight which is worrisome for everyone.  All I can say is I am planning on starting another round of Atkins diet when the new year starts, once we get rid of all the holiday sweets.
    Wife continues to be the same ball buster she has always been.  She comes on hard, specially with Javalina, because he is kind of lazy when we leave him to his own devices.  She is taking some classes which I hope will lead to some better opportunities for her down the road.
    Boy was offered an engineer job with the company he started interning for a couple years ago.  I did wish he would have graduated before, but they are willing to work with him and allow him to finish while paying him a handsome salary on par with ours.  He will be just fine, plus we have given him permission to let Sweetie move in, so they aren't so antsy to move out to an apartment.  Our goal is to give them a chance to finish school, save money, and make sure they are really compatible before embarking on a life together.
    I guess looking back through my blogs, 2019 wasn't that bad a year.  I can only hope 2020 is on par or slightly better, I guess we shall see.

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