Friday, December 13, 2019

12/13/19 Christmas Is Missing Something?

    I don't know if it is because our boys are now basically grown now, but there is no sign of Christmas cheer at our house.  Maybe it's because we had to remove the renters first, but for now, the house still has Halloween lights on the stair rails.  I told Wife I would try and put up the tree in the next few days since I am supposed to be off for the next four nights.
    When Girlie and the BF moved in, I was forced to take all the holiday bins out of that room and move them around.  Most of the stuff ended up in Javalina's closet which means to get to the Christmas stuff means I have to remove all the Halloween stuff and that just sounds like a lot of work.  I plan on moving most everything back to that closet, even as I have plans to put a door from our bedroom into that closet and make it my gadget room, I want a big safe and I want to install it in there, so I can keep some guns of my own.  Right now, I am not even sure where Boy keeps our guns, he is the head of all that.  He cleans them and keeps up with them, but at some point, I want my own handguns and shotguns and stuff, but I would prefer a big heavy safe to keep them in.
    I don't know about all that, I do have a lot of projects in my head to make the house more user friendly, I would like to connect all the rooms with secret doors in the closets too, in case someone ever breaks in, we can move around to get to our guns, or at least to have options.  I digress...
    I should have Thursday and Friday and most of Saturday to get the house in the holiday spirit.  Wife has a BBQ event in La Pryor so she won't even be coming up until Saturday evening.  My brother is supposed to be coming up with his family to go to the Trail of Lights, which he invited me, but I feel weird going to it without Wife as it is a family event.  Again, Idk.
    All I can say is right now, we have a very minimal effort of yard decorations, a couple of inflatable penguins, a Merry Christmas light up sign, and some Peanuts characters waving or something.  We have bought a couple of gifts, for 2-3 people, we really need to get going, but then my sister says she doesn't want to exchange gifts, I am not even sure who to buy gifts for.  My brother says I don't give gifts anyway, so I could just not buy gifts and save some money and be the a-hole I already am in their mind's eye.  I don't know, it'll all workout in the end, it always does.

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