Wednesday, December 11, 2019

12/11/19 The Real Ones Rock?

    It was funny hearing it come from Wife first, that is the only reason I even opened my mouth.  While we were eating on Saturday, with Boy, Sweetie, and Javalina at Cheddar's, Wife was celebrating being done with her second semester of classes, as she had just turned in her last paper.  The discussion turned to Boy and his project.  He was mad at the girl working on their team to which he said he really wanted to yell at her to just cut the shit a couple of times, she didn't really participate doing the work, so she was trying to make herself more important by trying to fine tune and make things better.  She wasn't successful and eventually burnt the robot and the processor up.
    We then discussed another project we went and heard and the pretty girl which was 5ft tall and 100lbs was talking about coming up with new ways to install support structures for solar and wind combos.  We asked what was the deal, the challenge and she said "well right now, someone has to manually carry up 50 pound panels up and we need to make a way to do that easier."  Wife said something about using winches and their whole team seemed to never have heard the word before.  I said "you just hire beefy guys and get it done, that just sounds like men's work."  I know that isn't anyone's favorite way to say it, but heavy outside work gets done by men.
    I didn't want to say it because Sweetie is kind of a feminist and it almost sounds like I am fucking with her, but I just like to say things bluntly and I told Boy that girl had no business trying to be an engineer, not everybody is cutout for it.  Then Wife said something like "you can always tell who is doing the work on a project and who is there to look good."  I have to agree, and add that real nerds/engineers are just a little different.  I hung out with a whole group of nerdy scientist types at UT that I met first because they were Hispanic and we talked Spanish, but then we were in some the same classes.  These girls/women were bad-asses at getting shit done.  They were not the put on some make-up and look pretty for the boys, they were the "get out of my way, I can do it better than you" types, much like Wife is.  Wife has always told me if we broke up, I would end up with some vacuous pretty type blah blah blah.  But no, I love her type, the real ones that know something and can be even more nerdy than me.  These are a rare type of woman but they are out there.  Shit, if Wife had to, she would mount solar panels, at 50 pounds apiece, she would find a way to get them up there faster than a lazy dude, at the very least.
    Boy is also the real deal.  Since high school when he was working on the rocket teams, it was common for him to put in the crazy hours, campus was basically across the street and he would stay there super late.  At one point, he had a key to the school because he was there more than the teacher.  It didn't surprise me that he was there until 3:00am trying to fix things last minute.  I believe him when he said it was working and doing what it was supposed to prior to Dummy messing things up.

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