Monday, December 23, 2019

12/23/19 You See A Packed Mall, I See Trouble For The Behemoth? (part 1)

    We finally went back to the mall yesterday, for about three maybe four hours.  That in itself is a sign that the mall isn't what it used to be.  There was a time when I proudly would say we went to the mall once a week, whether to walk or to look for something.  Nowadays, it just seems like a hassle, there aren't that many interesting stores left there for us to see something you can't find somewhere else.
    The four of us were finally together, it would have been fine to have Sweetie along, but she was working.  I had been promising Boy some new boots for a while now, if only because the ones he wears most days are starting to look a little worn.  This is wat we used to get out the door together, even then, he had his Christmas list and we spent about 30 minutes going over the items and we refined the 20 items worth over $20,000, to a manageable $500.  That plus the boots and a couple shirts and I say Merry Christmas, Mijo.  Amazon saved us from running around to Radio Shack, Fry's, and any other electronic store looking for specific geeky stuff that on Amazon is just a click away.
    As far as the boots, we had eaten at Torchy's Tacos a couple months ago and there happens to be a Red Wings store next door.  I loved the idea of buying some of these boots, but I would never wear them.  Boy is the one who prefers to wear boots like those daily.  Still, I agreed with him, as a whole, they look great, but individually, they are missing something, he didn't really like any of them, so we headed to the mall.  Along with an agenda of getting some new shoes, he was also needing to do some maintenance on his watches, both needed batteries and actually both need to add some links because Mijo is getting chubs.  Another sign Mijo is getting chubbier is at Dillard's he was just randomly getting Medium shirts like he always does, then Wife told him to try one on.  He said "fine!" and attempted to do it there without going into a dressing room and it closed, but he looked like a sausage.  Large was a much more comfortable look on him, although he did not like it.
    Back to Ben Bridge, we waited a long time but finally our regular sales lady showed up from her break and promptly attended to us.  she took Boy's watches and made the proper notes to fix them.  While we were there, Boy and I discussed looking at other watches since the one I want for him has just not come in.  The sales lady then gave us the bad news, as of Jan 1, 2020, their store will no longer be a Rolex seller, and we will have to go to the Domain if we want to buy one, not that one buys one every year.  Without Rolex though, Ben Bridge doesn't have anything special really and thus I don't see anything else special in the mall.  Yes, they will continue to sell other brands, but others don't have the same zing.  I just see another brick falling off in the weakening of America's malls.

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