Thursday, December 12, 2019

12/12/19 Girlie And The BF Are Gone?

    They are finally completely out.  What started out as a month or two adventure, turned into something like 8-9 months.  In the end, I still maintain they weren't that bad, it's just hard to have other "adults" around.  One would expect because they are wanting to be treated like adults that they would help in cleaning the house without us pestering them to do so.  After two months and liking the additional income, I let them bring his dog over, not really realizing that the dog would be indoors full time.  In my head, he said husky mix, I thought well that sounds like a big dog, he'll be outside most of the time. Nope.  The dog was inside the house 99% of the time, except when he would go out to pee/poop real quickly.  Because of this and the constant shedding, the BF said he would vacuum at least once a week.  We never saw him do it, then when we asked it was always "I just did it last night, or I just did it awhile ago."  Hmmm.
    Then there was the attention on the dog, he never seemed to take it out for walks.  Girlie said he used to take him jogging daily and he was always out with the dog, but that must have been before they started dating, because she didn't hide the fact that she was not a big fan of the dog, like her saying "I don't want the dog in my car."  Umm, it is mostly because of you that I accepted the dog in my house, "I hadn't had a dog in my house before, other than my mom's or Hans (but Hans is the king of dogs)."
    I also expected them to be more a part of the family, she always liked to be thought of as the daughter we never had, but with the BF around, they even ate their meals up in their room.  I don't like this one bit, but when Boy has a table full of dirty plates and Styrofoam take out containers all over, how can I argue that we don't allow that?  Boy has a mini fridge in his room, and so did they, so even on a whole weekend, with them being there, we might still only seem them 10-15 minutes in a week.
    Somewhere inside I feel good for helping them when they needed it, but this has to be the last time.  I will not let the dog back in, it was really a great dog, but no, we never wanted that and I did regret having said yes to it.  I might accept her back, IF she is still in school and for some reason they break up.  Saying that, though, I am not impressed with the way she left.  There was no thank you for letting us stay, or other blah blah blah.  The BF did say that we are going to get some sort of packages from Amazon in the mail as gifts to thank us for letting them stay.  That sounds nice, so we shall see.
    I didn't mind him so much, but as a guy to guy, I hate telling people what to do and not knowing what to expect.  The few times I told him to do this or that, he was quick to do it, but should I be telling him to vacuum like he said he would? or take out your trash all the way to the can outside, not to the can in the kitchen so my son can handle it?  It is bad enough keeping up with my two boys and the trash and shit they generate without having to be responsible for two other "kids" who seem to exist solely to chill.

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