Wednesday, December 18, 2019

12/18/19 Boy Test Drove A Tesla?

    If there is one thing Boy loves, it is gadgets and technology.  He is a full on nerd, and I mean that with the greatest of respects.  As soon as he heard of this new Tesla truck coming out as soon as next year, I guess he threw in his $100 to hold a place in line for him.  He didn't discuss that with us, not that he has to, but I would have told him that was a waste of money.  He did get something for the money but I think it's more of the drug dealer providing a free sample to get himself another life time customer.  Boy was invited to go test drive a Tesla on Saturday to consider buying one before the trucks come out in a year or two, as they suggest.
    Boy and Sweetie got dressed fancy enough to consider it like a date night, she in a dress, he in slacks and a long sleeve shirt, to match the clientele at the Domain.  When they got there, he said a representative didn't even bother riding with them.  One of the employees threw Boy his employee badge (as Boy described it) and this opened up the demo cars.  He said he test drove the Tesla 3 and the Tesla Y.  Both are in the below $50k values, which is a lot of money, but everything seems to be getting crazy expensive nowadays.  Compare to the Tesla X, the larger SUV starting at $90k, and these seem cheap, by comparison.
    He was blown away by everything, from the giant tablet in the middle of the dash, to the acceleration that the cars have.  He said there is no lag, they found a road that was somewhat empty and he floored it.  In a matter of seconds he said they were going 80, he backed off right away.  He is barely going to start working with a professional salary starting in January, so he really needs to plan this a little better, but it is something he could do within a few months.
    My biggest concern is what would happen to the SUV we got him?  We have made all but 2-3 of the payments for the last three years, I would hate to see it traded at a loss or he walk away with $1000 or so once it gets paid off.  I know everyone says I am a scammer, but I would think it fair to find the value of the edge, via Carmax or even having the SUV taken in to get appraised for a trade in and then have me pay for the profit above the payoff amount and I keep the vehicle along with the payments.
    Javalina instantly got excited at the thought of the Edge being his vehicle in a year or so when he can start driving.  If it does become our vehicle, I am buying it a contract at H2O Wash to get it washed weekly because it is such a nice looking vehicle, if only Boy would keep it clean.

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