Saturday, December 7, 2019

12/7/19 Third Time's The Charm? (Part 2)

    People can never wrap their head around the tired I am talking about.  I function probably at 80% most of the time.  I barely sleep like 6 hours a day during the work week, then I try and catch up on my sleep on the weekends.  It could be that my heart and lungs aren't working properly, but according to her $20 toy machine on my pinky finger, my heart rhythm was fluctuation between 43 beats a minute and 78 beats a minute, which to her indicated that I was fixing to live that horizontal life.
    This is about where she started mentioning I might be better going to the emergency room.  I said "really?"  "can't I just get my strep test done and I get my pills"  "I have to go work tonight."  By this point she said she was calling for a council with a consulting physician.  She described me as a Hispanic, 48, 5'10, 420 pounds with a suspect heart.  Damn, where's the part where you say "but has a heart of gold, nicest man this side of the Mississippi.  Just the facts, Sir.  What was the yes man on the phone going to say "oh, 420 pounds, sounds healthy, send him home?  I was fucked from the get go.  By now she is debating with herself whether to call an ambulance rather than risk me driving and dying along the way.  I still was saying "I am fine, sure I'm super fat, but I feel as good as always."
    Well, I am going to trust you'll get there safely, but I don't like it.  Wife texted at this point asking me how it was going.  I just said the truth, "well, the nurse practitioner says I'm probably dying this weekend."  Maybe you want to head up here, I am being sent to the emergency room.  She's talking about cracking me open and I'll pretty much be in the hospital all weekend.  This almost got me tearing up, but I held it back because I feel fine I kept telling myself.  I called my mom as this lady was like "yeah, prepare yourself, this will be a journey."  "I am trying to save your life."  The strep test was negative, by the way.
    My brother calls me on the way to the hospital that my mom broke down crying and he was worried too.  I said I don't think it is that serious, but she seems pretty sure I am fucked up.  I guess I will find out in a bit.  It was hard talking to Boy and telling him I might be going under the knife, but bring me a charger when and if you come and visit me.  My phone is dying too.  He got dressed and said he would head to the hospital.  So here I am, at the hospital and no place to park.  The parking lot is a freaking mess.  It is so bad they are offering free parking in the garage where the doctors park.  I went all the way to the roof of that thing before I found a spot.  I parked and decided to call Javalina, I had promised him breakfast tacos and now I wasn't even going to be going home.  He was barely awake, I mean he is sick with the strep, which is what got all this started.

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