Monday, December 30, 2019

12/29/19 The Mandalorian?

    Disney finally did something right with the Star Wars franchise.  I am not happy with what has happened to the main storyline, if that is what we call it.  I know that in this day and age women and men are supposed to be seen as equals, but come on...  Grown men are 2-3 times bigger than women, we go and do the shitty jobs that need to get done, constantly.  Yes, there is always one exception, in a crew of 20-30 men, there will be a woman in there, that doesn't mean we are all capable of doing the same thing.  Yet this Rey kid comes out of nowhere and she is our hero?  I guess there are no men to call on, we'll just sit on our fucking testosterone sacks and clap for our heroine to get the job done.
    At least in the Mandalorian, they have gone with a man as the lead, I'm surprised it isn't a chick, but then the chick would be taking care of a baby and that is too close to what society doesn't want to see, I guess.  The Mandalorian is a bounty hunter and the timeline sits between five years after Return of the Jedi and 25 years before The Force Awakens.  Mando, as he is called, is just trying to make a living as a bounty hunter in the likeness of Boba Fett.  He seems to work alone, but has contacts everywhere, meaning he has in the past been one to help and be a team player.  He is a dedicated hunter, all his efforts go to making him a better warrior.  He spends most of his earnings pursuing better and better armament.  His goal, I believe, is to have his whole armor made of Beskar steel, which comes in handy again and again as he gets shot on occasion.
    His life takes a turn as he signs up for a mission to bring back a baby for a huge reward.  His humanity gets the better of him when he is about to leave but sees the baby being put through tests and being experimented on.  He saves the baby and from then on, they form a bond.  The baby feels safe around Mando, and he is doing everything in his power to keep the baby safe.  He tries living it on a remote world where the people are kind of primitive, but even there, another bounty hunter has already tried (and failed) to murder baby Yoda.  It is not exactly Yoda, it can't be, the original Yoda passed away at 800+ years old.
    The little tyke has already shown that he understands and can use the force.  The best moments on the show have been when Mando is in grave danger and the baby starts waving his hands and stuff starts to happen, magically.  The season is a short 8 episodes, but at least we get a 2nd season, per Wikipedia sometime in the coming year.                                      

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