Wednesday, January 1, 2020

1/1/20 Start Of A New Decade?

    It is a new decade, and once again, time to talk about making some changes.  I know I started the day off by making some calls to take care of a nagging little problem we should have dealt with already.  I scheduled a window replacement for Wife's car, it is only getting worse as time goes on.  Other than that, everyone is still asleep from last night's activities.  It is not that it was an exciting time, but once we commit to staying there until midnight, we have to stay at least an hour more to give the traffic a chance to calm down before we can head out.
    We headed to my in-law's around 4:00pm.  I, ever hopeful, to get a chance to walk around Bass Pro Shops was kind of thinking maybe we could stop for a little while, but then Wife suggested we stop for snacks in Kyle and that threw the whole timetable off.  HEB was packed to the gills, people acting like a hurricane was headed towards us or something.  We finally got out of there with some sodas and chips and assorted other treats to make a party complete.  Wife needed a soda and planned on stopping at McDonald's, but again, people were going crazy and both it and Whataburger were packed.  We managed to stop at Chicken Express where she got her soda, Javalina got a box of tenders, and we scampered away into the darkness.  I fell asleep at this point, and then woke at San Antonio right outside a Mr. W's firework stand.  By then it was dark, but like Wife said "better to stop now, than to get to my in-law's and then have to come back.  Although....
    We just assumed it would be the same hectic party it is every year, with all the kids running around, but it was maybe the quietest New Year's we have had in a long while.  Wife's brother and 4 kids were celebrating with his Wife's family and the younger sister and her two boys were in Crystal celebrating with her in-law's, I guess.  Most of the night it was us, Boy took Sweetie and their best friend.  Wife's older sister, her husband, two grandkids, and my in-laws.  We went out to pop the fireworkds around 9:00pm, but without more kids around, my boys felt silly and didn't even pop half of them.  I hate that I spent nearly $200 bucks and nobody really cared.
    We went back in, I was surprised that I stayed awake all evening, even as I thought of a nap, I didn't do it.  Eventually, it got closer to midnight, and Wife and a cousin of hers that showed up late, set up the champagne, and grapes and black-eyed peas that are supposed to be good luck.  We waited, watching one of the local channels to be with the right time and brought in the new year inside.  It was a tad scary if you were new to the country, the house felt like it was shaking for a few minutes with all the fireworks popping outside by the neighbors.  I have never felt comfortable being outside because of the thought of too may idiots shooting their guns up to "celebrate".  Whether it is an old wive's tale or not, I don't like taking the chance.  Javalina kept insisting tat it can't be true, even as his grandpa said let's get inside before they start shooting with their guns at midnight.
    Things settled down right after midnight, I called my mom who was dealing with checking my sister's house for possible lawn fires, and Wife helped clean up the kitchen.  We got home around 3:00am, and she stayed up until 5:00am watching some show.  It is now 1:00pm and I have been up since 10:00am, but the house is still as quiet as can be.  I think I'll go wake up some fools!!!  Happy New Year Everyone.

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