Wednesday, December 4, 2019

12/4/19 Starting To Feel Empty, Maybe?

    I like the idea of a big house and then filling it with loved ones.  As a result, I pushed and I pushed a lot way past Wife's comfort level, to get us in this house.  It was touch and go for awhile.  At one point, I thought we might even lose the house in 2008, when I went through a period of furlough, but in the end, so far, it has always worked out well enough.
    We have had all sorts of people staying with us, and it has been mostly good times, from the friend of Boy back in high school, to his other friends who just always seemed to be here every weekend.  Then we've had my brother, Girlie, Dirty Dog, and now even Sweetie seems to be living here at least half of the week, even if it is on the downlow.  I would prefer they do it right and get married first, but I also don't want them rushing off and doing something stupid like getting married before they get their respective degrees.  Boy is even doing that backwards, so who knows?  As I mentioned, the place where he has been interning has offered him a salary even though he still needs another class or two.  He will be making a salary that sounds crazy a couple years ago for a brand new graduate, but he says most of his friends with similar degrees are making even more, so I guess his pay is just ok.
    My worry is that he may think he is all grown up now and try to head on out and make it on his own.  He occasionally goes and sleeps at Sweetie's family's house and that alone makes the house feel a lot emptier.  Add in the fact that Girlie and the BF along with Moro (their dog) are moving out tomorrow and our big almost 4000 sq ft house will be for only Javalina and I during the week.  This is why I never minded Girlie moving in, we have 2 empty guest rooms and if Boy decides to forge his own way, we will essentially have 3 empty bedrooms.
    My sister and brother have both whined that they would not come and visit until my tenants moved out and now that they are about to, they are whining to my mom that she better not come visit us during the Christmas break.  So why should I worry about emptying the house of other people I have relationships with, if my own family still won't come and visit?
    Wife said the daughter of one of her coworkers wanted to move to Austin with a girlfriend, and Wife was toying with me and the idea of a couple of brand new legal teens (+18) moving in.  Like Joe Walsh sings "Life's Been Good To Me..."  I doubt this will come to pass, but oh man, isn't the thought of brand new young un's running around the house just give the whole manor a new vibe.  As Patrice O'Neal described, I'm too old to do anything about it but sit back and enjoy watching them trying on tennis shoes and what not.  This crazy life just goes round and round and just when you think it's gonna suck, life takes an unexpected twist, so I'll just hang on for awhile.

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