Saturday, December 14, 2019

12/14/19 Friday Sans Wife Sucked?

    Wife is fixing to get up right now to head to La Pryor for their 1st annual BBQ cook-off (I am writing this at ~3:00am).  This was her idea, so she has to be present to get the ball rolling.  We discussed it, whether we should go down and be there with her, meaning at my mom's (I am not going to go be in the way when she is being the boss), but she said she would prefer to come up directly after the competition, even if she gets here late.  Coming to her house helps her unwind, I think.
    My brother then called that he was coming up with his wife and kids to go see the Trail of Lights on Saturday.  I like the idea of them coming, but it seems weird for them only to come on Saturday and Sunday, still, I figure it'll be nice to see my bro.  I honestly think it's more of a statement, like see, now that you got rid of your renters, we are here to visit.  He did ask before he committed to coming if they were gone.
    As far as Friday, I was off Thursday night and trying to flip over doesn't work well for me.  I tried sleeping at 11pm, but after I kept waking every hour, I said screw it and got up to do some projects around 3:30am, like change out the Halloween lights for the Christmas lights on the stair rails.  I also put up the Christmas tree itself, which was still in the box.  I eventually ran out of steam and went to bed around 9:00am.  I slept until 1:00pm and woke up feeling great.  I had some coffee and chatted with Sweetie who had stayed here while Boy went to work.
    At 5:00pm, I picked up Javalina and we went to Lowe's.  I was going to get a large cabinet to help Boy stay more clean and maybe organized, but Javalina talked me down to a small wall mount unit which was also less than half the cost.  I thought this was a pretty good idea considering we already have a twin to that cabinet in the garage.  We then had a pretty good dinner at Plucker's mostly because the boy could not go any further without eating.  I like wings and I can eat a nuch of them, but paying for them always seems weird, like 10 of them sounds like a lot, but it's not really more meat than a big breast, yet ordering 5 is not going to fill anyone up, so we do eat wings but it always seems like a splurge because they do not fill me up, yet cost a bunch.
    Afterwards, we were already close to Bee Caves, so I kept going to go to Dick's even though it was scary dark by 7:30pm.  I wanted to go look at kettlebells, Javalina said they have been using them in gym, and I like to own anything being used to be able to repeat the activities at home, if we want to.  We went from kettlebells to just dumbbells and we discussed the ones we are missing.  I have 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, but none of the mid ones, so we bought 25s and 35s to have a more complete set.  Javalina then talked me into buying some stuff for his friend who he has taken under his wing and is training him.  I thought the night turned out alright, what he saved me in spending for Boy I ended up spending at Dick's for him and his buddy, so I think the night was pretty even.
    We were back home by 9:00pm and that all was fun enough, but knowing Wife would not be arriving until today still seems shitty (fell asleep, finishing this at noon-ish, Saturday).  I took my afternoon nap, got up at 10:30pm but still felt like there was no reason to be up, so slept some more until 12:30am.  By then Boy had most of his lab moved back up to the room being used by my renters.  I promised Boy I wouldn't do that again, so IF someone else stays with us, it will be in the downstairs room, which I then got up at 2:00am and tried cleaning up behind Boy and his pals.  I ended up sitting down to watch some show on TV at 7:00am and fell asleep until almost 11:00am.
    I can function fine without Wife, but it all just seems like work without her around.  It is so much nicer to be doing stuff with a partner around.  At least I have Javalina who enjoys eating out with me, for now.

*sans- french for without, but it is used more and more in modern English.

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