Saturday, October 31, 2015

11/1/15 Partying With Strangers?

    Halloween came and went.  It was good, although the Longhorns got spanked something fierce.  We didn't get up until around 2:00pm, so we would be rested for the night.  After getting up, we ate some tacos, then headed to Central Market for some Halloween treats for us.  I love their breads, I opted for a sourdough variety.  Wife got a couple sides for later at night. We were back home by 5:30pm.
    On our way home, Wife was already giving me a list of chores, which I was getting all grrrr, because the Longhorns were starting at 6:00pm.  I was to take out our big inflatable door entryway thingie, we keep it put away because I worry it could get vandalized, and only set it up Halloween Night.  Then I had to get grill ready, but not start it yet, and finally go change into my costume.  While doing this, kids were already showing up, which Wife was getting ready for.
    We gave out candies until about 7:00pm, then Chub's friend showed up from his class.  He was weird about going with her, then I suggested Wife go with them.  She had a whole family with her, parents, and a couple little siblings.  They walked away into the darkness of our neighborhood.  Wife then said the little girl's parents said they could go ahead since they were moving slower because of the smaller kids.  Wife kept up with them and later told me she was even more of a chatterbox than Chubs.  He couldn't get a word in sideways, she jumped from one topic to another to another.  Poor Chubs was drenched in sweat from his bulky costume.  He had a coat and a vest and two other shirts, not to mention a tie and a scarf, topped with a goofy hat.  He was one with Halloween after his walk, but he had a great time.
    Girlie stopped by with her two younger siblings and took them around our neighborhood, then filled her bag with candies from our house.  We didn't expect much more than her since we weren't having a party, but then Boy showed up with about nine kids he ran into and went with to that Wizard Con.  I hate being ill prepared without food, we only had a couple steaks, not even any sausages or other meat to feed everybody.  Boy handled it like a champ, he ordered pizza to feed them.  I still fell weird eating our steaks while they ate pizza.
    We decided to give them the run of the house, and although it was before midnight, we came up to our room, and here we sit at 12:33am watching Halloween episodes of our favorite shows, and of course writing of this little blog.  We did run down awhile ago so I could get a cup of coffee and a slice of pumpkin pie.  Happy Halloween Peeps, time for Christmas commercials...

10/31/15 Halloweening? (poem)

 Halloween Night is upon us again, my peeps,
pay attention to what past windows silently creeps.
Chubs has the spirit and will be dressed as Dr. Who,
I just hope as he is walking, he dooesn't step on poo.
Oh yeah, he will be walking with a girlie from school,
they've been talking about it, I think that's just cool.
Wife and I will be outside giving the kids candies and sweets
I love the efforts of some of the costumes, just walking treats.
After the curfew we usually continue with grilling some meat,
after all we're human and we gots to eat.
I can only hope some slutty moms in costumes make it down our street,
of all the things I see, I think they are rather neat.
The Longhorns play a night game, against the Iowa State Cyclones
I'm just hoping my burnt orange guys show up with the bigger horns.
Apart from Halloween, we also got the time change Saturday night,
stupid farmers, figure it out and get it right.
Feels weird but Sunday is already 1st of November
so close to 2016, what happened to the year, I can hardly remember.
From here on out, it'll be shorter days, and long nights, 
shopping for loved ones, forget the spooky frights.
We have to take down our mummies, spiders, and rest of the scary stuff
replace it with things merry and all that christmas fluff.
but let's not get ahead of ourselves, there's a downpour in progress,
scarier than Halloween, this could be the start of Rapture 2015 I guess.
Nah, let's not be simple minded scaredy mortals fearing a little past sinning,
this is our world, our time, say it "We be Halloweening!!!"

Thursday, October 29, 2015

10/30/15 These Colors Don't Run?

    Along the lines of women dying their hair aggressively, such as I discussed a couple days ago with aposematism, there is also the overdone tattoo art.  Is there an end to this ridiculousness?  I didn't mind a little tramp stamp, something around the ankle.  Small advertisements that you're open for busineess, cool, but then it kept going.  I've seen the future, and tattoo'd eyeballs are creepy, not cool.
    The biggest reason I hear from people I have known is that they like the sensation.  Great, if that is it, how about the fade away tattoo, I saw a couple weeks ago, an ink that breaks down with sunlight.  If the sensation is so great, awesome, draw some lines on your back until you pass out, then know in a couple weeks it will all be gone.  No lingering skulls to freak out the children you only see on the weekends, or permanent names of guys you knew a couple months ago.
    I have a small tattoo on my deltoid.  When I got it, I was told, "ooh, you're going to become addicted."  You'll be back for more and more.  Why?  I graduated from UT, a decent accomplishment, I felt that was worthy, I earned the degree through a lot of work and sacrifice.  I then bought a house on the east side of town.  Hmm, an eastside tattoo?  No, that is just chance, it's where I could afford.  I now moved a little west, maybe "little west" is a thing.  I'm a little successful caused I moved a little west, orale!!!  Again, stupid.
    Of course it is not enough that the tattoos are there, they have to keep creeping into view.  Ten years ago, a neck tattoo existed on tough and scary dudes that had spent time in prison.  Nowadays, I see dopes I've known since they were tripping over their own big feet in elementary school with the neck tattoos.  Awesome, keep creeping up, and yes, we see them on the face, of course.  But Hey!  Even though it is center stage, I am not just a tattoo on my forehead, I am a fully functioning person.  I have feelings too, I mean confused, upset, and angry most of the time.... but still.
    I don't see how the pendulum will swing back.  When Mama is all tatted (face it, daddies ain't around), what will keep jr 1, 3, and 5 from doing the same?  Mama can't preach "don't do it", less she be labeled hypocrite.

10/29/15 What About The Man-Child?

    I worry about our country.  I honestly don't see enough new brain power growing up amongst the next generation.  I know it is easier to be Peter Pan and refuse to grow up, but is it also better?  I know my son will be OK, and he will be on the good side of productive members of society, or risk the humiliation that comes from our family.  No bullshit about it, men work enough said.  I don't recall my dad missing work more than maybe a weekend to a long weekend during the summer if we were going to go on a little vacation.
    Boy's friends though, I don't even know what to feel for them.  One of his closest buddies didn't even bother showing up for college classes he signed up for.  The other one is now also out of school.  I understand school is not for everybody, but if you are not going to make yourself different with a degree, then how?  Showing up to your minimum wage job with a shitty attitude and hungover?
    I can talk minimum wage jobs, I did a year working at a warehouse loaded with ex felons and troublemakers.  I started like all of them, as a day laborer, within a week, I had shown I wasn't there to play games, and I took over driving the forklift, something I had never done.  Only thing I did was shut up, and learn.  Say thank you to any tip/advice given to me, and offer to help and be a team player any chance I got.
    Any man-child starts with a strong mama connection.  Mama wants her baby to be happy, she'll work her ass off for mijo, so he can have the latest video games.  Video games more than any other toys, force the man-child to wither on the vine, Mama likes it because Baby is safe inside the house.  But then when does baby learn he is approaching thirty and still waiting for mama to wipe his ass and feed him?  This is a problem of not having a man to emulate, a day does not go by that I don't bust my boy's asses.  They know I love them, but I constantly challenge them to be better than me, to go farther than me, to know more than me.  After all, I am not their friend, I am Dad.  My two turd nuggets represent me when they go out in the world and they had both better shine and impress somebody.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

10/28/15 (Queen) Bee Warned?

    I had an interesting conversation with my brother who is here to watch Chubs while Wife is having the time of her life at another conference.  I pointed out some girl with tattoos walking to the bus and put myself in rant mode.  Not that I believe in god, but the female form is perfect at getting a man's attention and nowhere did He get it more right than in the boobs section.  Why in the world would a girl think some black ink would or could improve on His masterpiece?  Cleavage alone can bring a man to his knees.
    My brother then went into this whole subset of people and he might be unto something.  The term of the day is "Aposematism"- In the animal world, brightly colored being a warning of poisonous or dangerous defensive tactics.  In a sense I see all women who color their hair in any of a rainbow's worth of options once did it for the opposite sex, but today not all colors are the same.  Not all women are playing the same game of making themselves attractive for the opposite sex.  Something broke a generation or two ago.  When women started figuring or being convinced they didn't need no man to form a family, man figured he didn't need to grow up and play family man.  Today we have a culture of women trying to prove that they can do everything at least equal to what a married couple can do, and a whole generation of men-child, the adult male who is content in a minimum wage job, provided he can afford his XBOX and Playstation.
   Getting back to aposematism, going too bright or too fringe trying to purposefully stick out may not in fact be for mating purposes to impress a male, but to warn him that she is in fact dangerous, much like the poison dart frogs who might be beautifully irridescent blue, red or yellow, yet one touch can kill a grown man.  It might be done unconsciously but there is something to be said about it.  People that are screaming for negative attention usually find a way to get it.  Look at any Cops episode, always the same thing.  People come up to officers with their blase shitty attitude.  I am a law abiding citizen, not even a speeding ticket since 1993, yet if a police officer waves at me, I'm not gonna roll my eyes, and tell him/her to hurry up.  It'll be yes sir, no sir, thank you, shake hands if he wants.
    This is such a heady topic I might pick it up again.

10/27/15 Is The Work Half Empty or Half Full?

    I know work always picks up and at this point it could just be cyclical that it has slowed down as the holidays are fixing to come around, but dammit, I hate a slow month.  I am taking the weekends as nice relaxing times and I am resting as best I can, because eventually work picks up and sometimes there doesn't seem to be enough of us for the work coming in.
    But this week, one of our coworkers is gone until next Tuesday, our other coworker was gone this past weekend, her kid is going to school in Chicago, and of course, she now wants to be over there as much as possible, one reason I could not let Boy just leave the state for his bachelor's degree.  We did tell him we wouldn't stop him from leaving the state if he continues for his Master's, but I'll figure something out.
    Anyways, between the three of us, we handle all the FIB/TEM work nowadays, I am staying here playing Rover, hoping something gets out for me to make a play on.  Funny, at one point, we had about sixteen people doing FIB/TEM prep.  Slowly, we lost many people, some very good people, yet we have always been able to keep up.  Recently, our sales guy was let go, not sure if that is why we haven't seen new work.  Everything that comes in seems to be work we have already done, all the samples are similar to past work.
    Things are not terrible for us, the other company that works onsite with us had a layoff last week, that is a little scary.  The last person we lost was a year ago, and she quit because they moved out of state after husband found a better job. 
    I guess this has happened in other years, we start out strong, I work non-stop, then all of a sudden, we reach the halfway point of the year, and then we kind of slide to the end of the year with barely any OT.  It's OK, like I said, I am just used to being busy, I do like that Wife got a raise for her added duties, we are not in dire straits.  I guess the slow night and Wife being out of town got me feeling the blues.  Now I need a guitar, found a tutorial on how to play the blues with three chords.  Looks easy...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

10//26/15 Another Conference, Another Quiet Week?

    Here we are again, Chubs and myself alone for the next four days.  Wife is making a difference again in the world of Bastrop.  She comes back excited about what she learns, but if long term, these conferences don't promote her, what is the point?  I know they are required, I just hate that they cut into our family time.  There was a time a couple years ago when we joined her, and it was fun to hang out in the hotel room while she wasted the day away doing her thing.  But Chubs is now in school, it seems irresponsible to have him miss school.  Boy wouldn't join us, as he has his own thing going on.
    My brother will be back in town tomorrow to watch Chubs the next three nights when I am at work, I am still not sure where he stands as far as coming back and living with us.  He brought it up, and as much as I love having the house to ourselves, he would be helping by paying rent almost equal to cost of my new truck.  At some point he'll run out of his savings, just wish the lazy ass would make an effort and apply.
    Another thing going on this week is we are getting the house appraised on Tuesday.  We found a bank willing to refinance our home loan, and depending on the appraisal, we might even be able to borrow to pay some of our other credit debt.  It kind of sucks, in that we didn't really do much cleaning, but I don't see how appraisal should be affected too much by a couple of Halloween boxes laid out, maybe I'll hide them in the closet.  Wife had just got back from her other conference, and then this weekend we were both kind of sick with her cough.
    I was drowsy all day, they got me up around 2pm, but I was up until 4-5am last night, mostly reading crap on Pinterest.  Boy came home from work around 3:00pm and of course he doesn't have time to sit with us, even while we eat.  I have to go!  I have to go!  I have to go!  Ugh!, it is really hard to like this boy, I just excuse it by telling myself he has a personality disorder, like Asperger's or something.  Wife then followed an hour later, and before it got too late, Chubs requested Panda Express for dinner.  We ate while watching TV but sitting trying to watch football put me to sleep.  I eventually switched over to HGTV and even right now at 1:40am, I am still watching the episodes where people buy islands and fancy stuff I find hard to believe.  I should go to sleep, I will be taking Chubs to school.

10/25/15 Today Was Our Laziest Day Of The Year?

    I cannot believe we didn't do much of anything.  Wife had plans to sleep into the afternoon, specially since she has another stupid conference to got to (my opinion).  I only got up to see if the Horns were for real, after beating Oklahoma, two weeks ago.  The game started at 11:00am, and from what I could tell onscreen, it was raining pretty hard all game long.  I had a hard time believing they were as good as they looked on the screen.
    I was asleep by halftime though, but the Horns were in control.  I woke in the middle of the third to watch a kind of close game end very positively for the Horns.  I really like what they have turned Sweepes into a bruiser and on last series he proved it by running over the entire defense and scoring a touchdown.
    After the game, I came upstairs to come and bother the rest of my peeps, but I laid down on my Wife's side of the bed, and fell asleep until about 4:30pm.  Around 5:00pm, Wife started with are we going or not, to Sam's.  She wanted to go for our older boy.  Apparently, we give him money for food, we then buy food for him and we give him a gas card.  Of course, he comes back broke every weekend.
    After running to Sam's and getting what we needed, we ate a pizza slice, hot dog, and soda.  Wife complained some little girl in the next table looked like she was going to throw up.  I told her that's what we get for sitting here eating cheap-ass food.  After this glorious getaway, we headed back home.  The rain was constant all day long, but the cold didn't show up until around 9:00pm.  I went out at 2:00am to throw away the stinky trash with all the chicken wing bones and got chilled out.
    I have been writing this for a couple hours, I fall asleep, I wake up, I mispell a bunch of words, but I am almost done.  It has been nice to really rest, no visitors, no distractions, all weekend.  Tomorrow is another shitty conference, but it will be over before I finish my work week, so I will just ignore that Wife isn't here and do what I have to do.  It'll be Halloween soon enough.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

10/24/15 Doing Nothing Still Requires Effort?

    Since early in the week, we had both decided we weren't going to run around like we always do.  I told Wife I just wanted to sleep, and take it easy.  She said she just wanted to eat chicken wings and take it easy.
    For this to happen as smoothly as possible, it is necessary for me to run some errands in the background.  Chubs has afterschool programs until 430pm.  I decided to shower earlier then run to the store.  I had been wanting some pan dulce since we drove by earlier in the week to get Chubs the boxing gloves.  I made a quick pit stop and bought a little bit.  I used to love eating it growing up with my folks, but my shitty little peeps don't care for it.  Anyways, more for me.
    Afterwards, I ran over to the HEB we used to frequent over on IH35 and William Cannon.  It hasn't changed too much in the last eight years.  They have put up signs of a new bigger HEB on Slaughter and IH35, but so far, I haven't even seen them doing groundbreaking.  I still got everything I could think of and what Wife sent via text, so we won't have to run to the store.  By the time I got out of the store, it was raining pretty hard, so yeaih, I got all wet, walking in puddles coming up to my ankles in the parking lot.  I then ran home, got all the food off, and then ran to wait for Chubs to get out of school.  Boy was home, he filled me in on his dentist visit, he is going to need a root canal next week, does anyone know where I can sell a kidney (bills are everlasting)?
    Chubs pickup was uneventful, there were a couple of hoochie mamas there, but they look younger and younger every year.  I almost feel bad checking out their tattoos on their thighs, and the ones going into their cleavage.  I think those are conversation starters...
    Nothing else to do, we went home to wait for mama.  Wife showed up a half hour later or so, and now it's the weekend.  We sat in the kitchen catching up, then she decided she wanted the wings and grilling, so I went out, cleaned the grill, and got it going.  It was nice, we sat outside, there was an occasional breeze, and we tried "getting drunk", but without outside influences, I find it hard to get drunk just for the sake of it.
    Still, we drank, and I showed Wife funny memes I find on Pinterest during the week, or funny songs I find on Youtube.  I also entertained myself texting random people on our list of FB friends.  I feel like we need to reach out and make newer more interesting friends.  I need friends that don't start conditionally saying "but I'm not gonna do this or I'm not gonna do that".  Well then stay home and be boring over there.
    I know we tried a maid a while ago, I guess it didn't work out, she stopped coming around once she found out she was "with child".  A live-in maid would be cool, keep the house clean, run errands like going to the store, so I wouldn't have to, maybe then we could have weekends where we really do nothing.  Hmmmm???

Friday, October 23, 2015

10/23/15 Long Lost Cousins?

    As I got to work today, FB ringed on my phone.  I didn't react, even in parking lot, I like to be sitting down and taking it all in but I did see that a cousin on my dad's side reached out to become a FB friend.  I thought cool, but it is Wife's account, and she has jumped on me for accepting friends of people she doesn't recognize.  By the time, I walked in and got passdown from dayshift person and walked over to make coffee, Wife had already accepted friend request, and sent me a text.  I would normally say cool, but she was driving to Bastrop, and I knew she was still on road.  I texted do whatever you want alone, but when you got my boy's in the car, don't play on your phone, that shit can wait.  She responded back "I know, Chubs wouldn't let me anyway, but I was at a light."  I guess that answer satisfied me, as I let it go.
    Cousin then sent a thank you for the accepting, I guess people do that.  At this point, I started communicating with him.  Last time I had talked to him was probably at his father's funeral or our uncle's funeral.  They kind of happened a year apart or so and both went through same funeral home. It is a weird thing, we were in the same class, we are first cousins, but because we suffer from same weird shy introvert crap, we hardly ever talked.  Growing up, we would see each other on occasion, but it's not like he ever came over to our house to hang out.  It is weird, but because the Dad's liked having a couple beers and then usually ended up fighting and on the ground, my Mom kind of kept us away.  As I have said, my Dad's younger version was more animal than man, he has mellowed out into a weenie now, but in his twenties and thirties, he liked his beers and chingasos.
    Dad's other brother also has kid's my age, and occasionally we would go over there, he was more social, we even had pictures where we went to Garner Park once or twice together.  I liked this uncle, he's the one who I worked with for three or four summers doing roofs and building a house.  He loved drinking some beer, but he wasn't as hotheaded, he was more of a joker.  In his mid 70's, my cousin posts mini videos of him hitting golf balls, and talking smack, like I said, he does it in a funny way.
    Sometimes I wish we had grown up closer, but I know things were the way they were for a reason. All I can do now is try and do a better job raising our boys so that they visit their cousins more often. Boy is a few years older than most of them, so it is hard for him to have that buddy buddy thing, but Chubs is pretty close in age, and he loves all his little cousins, even if it's him laying on the ground and they climb on him and try to "beat him up".  Hmmm, as long as there's no beer, or is this how my Dad learned to play with his brothers????????

Thursday, October 22, 2015

10/22/15 Did Somebody Speed Up The Planet?

    What is going on?  Lately, I feel like somebody put us on fast forward.  There doesn't seem to be any down time.  This past weekend was very nice when we broke it down into parts.  As a whole, though, it left me very tired.  I loved my folks coming, going with my Mom to the mall on Friday evening, then dinner.  I loved going to the Ren Fest, but it did require we go to bed early, which I didn't, then I had to drive the two hours and twenty minutes going that way.  Coming back, my eyes just started getting sleepy, so I handed vehicle off to Wife, after a 15-20 minute nap, with snoring as everyone joked, I came back around, which I was rewarded by Wife pulling over and giving me the car back.  We were back in town by 10:30 or so and went and ate at Macaroni Grill, service was ehh, but whatever, we were home by midinight.  I wanted to just sleep all day, but my folks asked if we wanted to go to lunch, they don't usually do that, so we decided to join them.  After eating a very good meal at Don Dario's, my folks left, we went back home and straight to bed.  By then it was 4:00pm and I had not finished blog for that day.  Since I haven't missed a day, I am not starting now, so close to completing one year, I finished it, but my nap time was cut to about 30 minutes before I headed in to work.
    I hadn't worked OT in a while, so I wasn't going to say no, but I guess it took my night I was going to recuperate from the weekend.  Here I am on Thursday morning, I picked up Wife's cold, and all I can think of is the weekend is almost here, I want to just sleep late.
    My question is "do we do too much?", "should we be this tired?", wife says she feels the same way.  In years past, I had energy to get up and hang Halloween decorations, this year I am just saying ehhh, who cares?  We don't even try to go fishing, or using those weekend getaways we have on our timeshare.  Anytime we have free time, I just want to sleep. Shoot, I can't remember the last time we used our hot tub, and that is something I loved doing and it's right in our backyard.
    We haven't even seen my in-laws since the summer, which would mean going to San Antonio, I'd like to see my nephew play another football game down in Crystal City, but hate the idea of paying it being tired coming back.  If only I could do like Popeye, eat a can of Spinach and feel strong and revived.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10/21/15 Happy Birthday To My Baby Sister?

I love my sister, she was raised by my mom to be beautiful and full of grace
but because she was raised with three brothers, she has no problem getting in your face.
My Mom keeps thinking she will rise above the fray
Nope, she's a toughie, we've seen and heard her on display.
Today, she's a vice principal, in middle school, you have to be tough
those pre-teens not only smell, they can get rowdy and rough.
She's got that tone in her voice, the one that means she's no longer messing
I've heard it in my Mom, fun time's over, time for assessing.
She married a good guy, he reminds me of our Dad
put on any sports on TV and they will both be glad
She has two boys, the older one runs in the backyard while dragging a tire
he scores touchdowns on his football team, so maybe the training we must admire.
 I'm sure the baby will be more of the same, they are a family of jocks
since my sister was a cheerleader, she has to be happy, everyone wearing sweaty socks.
She bought the lot behind my Mom, there they built a brand new brick home
whenever she wants to see her biggest fan, fifty steps to the rear she must roam.
My brother and her, now that is a different story
They still argue and fight like they're eight years old for the love of mommy.
This summer will be fun, we'll all be under one roof for a week visiting The Mouse
It has been more than twenty years since I moved out back when we all lived in one house.
I love the idea of vacationing with my peeps,
we did it before and had fun by the heaps. 
I hope you have a special day with your boys, maybe y'all go out for multiple dinners
I love you Sister and Happy Birthday, you have grown up to be one of life's Winners.

10/20/15 Let's Get Ready To Rumble?

    Chubs and I were eating at Whataburger yesterday, his choice.  He was telling me about a kid who got a little heated with him.  According to Chubs, the kid wanted to fight, and there was even some pushing and shoving, the kid shoved Chubs and Chubs shoved him back. 
    My boy has never been one to fight, all his teachers say he is a sweetheart and a joy to have in class.  I am sure he did not start this little feud, but I guess the kid is getting on his last nerve, because later in the day, the kid was being whiny and disturbing the class, and Chubs was telling him to cut it out and just shut up.
    It was funny, but he was asking me for some fighting tips, just in case.  I showed him the boxing stance and to hold his arms up and in front of his face.  I told him how he cn use them to block any hits to the face, and when the kid leaves an opening to pop him in the nose or jaw.
    When we were telling Wife, she very quickly added "make sure you aren't the one throwing the first punch.  I then said It is a lot easier to defend your actions if you were defending yourself, versus instigating fights with annoying a-holes.
    He didn't seem that worried about having to fight, just wanted to be sure he had some tools and knew what to do.  He has had little shit talkers throughout the years, but he seems well adjusted, we prop our boys up all the time, and I remind both our boys not to let the rattling of dummies affect how they feel about each other.
    I like to practice insults with Chubs, I tell him if they say something about your weight, tell them they are dumb, or they smell.  I can get personal and low, but I'll save those for my boy's ears.  I hate those little shitbags that produce nothing, don't even finish school, but while they are there, will do everything in their power to make good kids feel bad about themselves.
    And yes, of course we start out telling him to tell the teacher when a kid is giving him a hard time.  Last thing  I want is for one of my boys to be a problem in any class.  My boys are going places, school is not just a babysitting device.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

10/19/15 World Full Of Dullards?

    Why oh why do people insist on stacking up like hunks of wood ready to be thrown in the fire?  I absolutely hate when in an empty parking lot wherever I park, Mr. Lost And Confused is going to come and park right next to me, making it hard to open my doors without possibly dinging his door.  I really fight with the dickhead in me who would rather park far away and take two spots, I know this is not cool, I've gotten a note or two over the years, so I try not to do it, but what is the thought process of the animal that comes and parks next to me, if I intentionally park far away from the entrance?
    Last night, coming back from the Ren Fest, we stopped at a random gas station, it was empty, there were about 8-10 parking spots.  I chose not to park right in front of the doors because if somebody comes behind me that is where people should go.  Nope!!!!  We weren't even off the car and in comes another large SUV.  We were in our Excursion, it is wide, Dumbass was in an Expedition, also large and wide.  Parks next to us, now neither of us can open our doors, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING!!!!! Wife was trying to dangle a leg off and not hit his car, I was cussing him and everyone in his car, I am sure he could hear me.  The people in the store could probably hear me.  I put car in reverse and moved over yet another spot to give us space.  I hate people like that, of course, I end up looking like the Dick.
    This also happens at restaurants and often too.  I eat with Chubs after school anywhere in the Southpark Meadows area and at 3:00pm, most places are usually empty.  I love this, and in places where there are booths, I will push my booth open to fit my big fat ass.  Why not, I always push them back when I am done.  Of course, as soon as we sit and get comfortable, even with the place mostly empty, if one other customer comes in, where is he going to sit????  Right behind me, but why???  I don't make idle chatter with strangers, unless said stranger has an interesting amount of boobie material....
    Hostess people love putting everyone together, like we are going to share our dessert with the people in the next table.  I don't go to your restaurant to pay $100 to eat and be backed up to another husky dude.  Let the people spread out some.  I know they are trying to clean sections and get out as soon as possible, but it's a restaurant, not a can of sardines. 

10/18/15 The Renaissance Festival?

    We spent a lovely day at the Ren Fest yesterday.  I always love going and filling my eyes with the assortment of people and boobies on display.  Let's not kid ourselves, that festival has been so popular for so long because of the unique people and what they bring to the feast.
    My folks and brother joined Wife, the boys and myself.  This is the reason I keep the Excursion as we all fit, even with Boy's friend joining us.  The trip used to take up to three hours, now with Google maps, we were there in two hours and twenty minutes.  One time we got lost and it took almost four hours to get there.  Either way, my Dad has a handicap placard and we not only got there quickly, we were also able to park in the third row, which meant a very short walk to the gates and inside.
    In the past, we've always gone either left or right at the entrance, but tried to keep going in formation to get a view of all the shops.  This can be tiring, and leave one feeling like Mission Not Accomplished.  Since we have been there so many times, this time we just meandered through.  Chubs pulled us off course first, wanting to see swords and weapons over there.  Then Dad wanted some food so we cut over here.  The day itself was near perfect.  Maybe it got up to 90, but under the shade of all the trees, it felt cool-ish most of the day.
    We didn't buy anything for us, but Chubs really wanted something substantial to wear.  It was funny watching him work mama over, kept saying "no, I know Mama is here to say no.  If it was for Ditto though..." and other negative comments.  We finally found a cloak with a hoodie in black that wasn't over $300.  It looks usable for the real world, when it is rainy and not too cold,
    We even managed to sit and chill, I didn't want to push too hard, with my Dad constantly complaining about his knees.  We had some snacks there, I am always worried about having to poop, but a sausage taco and a hot dog and some candied pecans were perfect.  I think the only thing we bought for ourselves were some incense burners, for the hippie in me.  Chubs ended up with Horns, a silver cup, a sword, and his cloak.  He had a good day.
    We were back in Austin by 10:00pm.  We had dinner at Macaroni Grill, which got off to a slow start.  The waiter seemed to be half-assing it, walked around the table asked for drinks, didn't take all of them, Boy was like I didn't even get to say my drink.  He came back with drinks but was then gone for about ten minutes.  We were the last people to get served, but we did ask if it was ok to eat, we could have gone to Twin Peaks or even other places that are open all night.  Mom eventually got up and asked the waiter if it is too late we can leave, this seemed to wake the waiter up and he was more attentive from that point on.

Friday, October 16, 2015

10/17/15 Wake and Wait?

    Wife came back today from saving the world at her conference.  My folks showed up as well, they are joining us tomorrow at the Ren Fest.  And of course Boy came because he is joining us tomorrow.    It should be nice, Boy works most weekends, so it should be a treat, hopefully, he doesn't act like a little shit.
    Chubs has after school activities until 4:30pm, Wife was getting here around that time.  I got up around 2:00pm, cleaned our room, put away all the clothes, cleaned Chubs' room, got pool pump going to keep that water clean.  I also managed to clean kitchen a bit.
    After coming home from picking up Chubs, Wife was already here.  We went and ate at Rosa's Taco House, after talking to my Mom, they were stuck in traffic, then stuck at Buc-ee's.  It worked out well, when we got home, my folks were just arriving.I asked my Mom if she wanted to go to mall, or anywhere, she said yes, so I pooped and away we went.
    At the mall, both Wife and Mom were both stuck looking at purses at Dillard's.  Wife walked away, Mom bit the bullet and bought another purse to add to her big collection.  We ran over to Hot Topic, Chubs wanted to go see if they had more of the Sonis screwdriver.  He got a green one and while we were at it, he threw in a shirt.  I bought me another selfie stick, the one from Best Buy would not open enough for my phone to fit.  The selfie stick connects to the volume hole and then just press button and voila, a picture is taken.
    Although we had eaten at 5pm, everyone was hungry again by the time we were headed home.  We stopped at IHOP, after calling the house so Boy, and whoever else was hungry could join us.  My Dad and brother chose to skip dinner.  I had never tried them before, but had the french toast with bananas foster syrup or whatever it was called.  It was delicious stuff.  Afterwards, we went home and sat with my folks for awhile as I played with my selfie stick, making sure it works.  I hate going to bed early, but we are going to try and head to Ren Fest early, like 9am.  So it is fairly early right now at 1:30am, but I just went and told Chubs lights out and will now take the same advice.  Goodnight all.

10/16/15 New Phones Are The Shit?

    I went and upgraded my phone today.  These devices are blurring the line as all in one entertainment/life support systems.  Who still buys Magellan handheld map thingies, or IPODS, for that matter, flashlights?  When was the last time a Yellow Pages mattered?  I would dare say even baby toys are being replaced, as even babies are drawn to the tiny screens.  I don't know if this is good or bad, but about 50% of the time I try to contact my Mom, she replies hours later with "oh, the baby was using the phone, I didn't notice your call.  She could just be blowing me off, but still.
    I got a Note 5.  I wanted a Note 4 which a couple of weeks ago were going for $100 on reactivation plans through Sprint, but they were all sold out.  Guy said I could go to Temple or a couple other small cities.  I figured I would bite the bullet and get the next generation.  I loved my Note 2, but all of a sudden this morning the memory card lost all its memory, and my alarm has been hit and miss, not sure if I don't hear it or it is not ringing.  I also hate having to send a text 3-4 times before it sends and this also seemed to be getting worse.  I was eligible for a new phone a couple months ago, but Boy got his phone "wet".  I told him that was his last phone from me.  He always has a good reason to upgrade before everybody else.
    I also got a new cover which is rubberized in case I drop it, and a selfie stick because "why not?"  This is kind of a stupid idea, but if we want to be in the picture with our loved ones, it's a necessary evil.  Even the selfie stick has Bluetooth technology to click and take the picture, not bad for $20.
    Since the phone is a Samsung product, I just walked over to the Samsung kiosk and the guy then moved all my contacts, and settings in two minutes, my pics took 25 minutes, because I got thousands of dirty and a couple of family pictures in there all mixed up.  Now I get to sit here and play with it, currently uploading Pinterest and Tumbler, and wherever else I tend to lurk in the dark.  If all goes well, this phone should last 2-3 years.  I'm curious as to what else the phones in 2 or 3 generations might be doing.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/15/15 The Boy That Cried Wolf Can Make A Dollar Or Two?

    I have been watching House, on Netflix and thought it a little coincidental.  I was reading last week in The Lucifer Principle about a priest who was trying to predict the end of the world, when he guessed wrong, he ended up gathering more followers.  The same story was brought up in this case with a woman who came in thinking she was going to die because the "death cat" had sat on her lap.
    Of course, House figured out why the cat was choosing the patients it did and explained it all to the patient.  She in turn still insisted that the cat gave him a clue, so in a sense "don't give science all the credit, magic cat still helped.  House kept calling her an idiot, but really, what else can she be?  Same with the growing throngs of people worshiping a man who is continuously wrong.  Why not look up and think for yourself for a second.  If the man had really predicted "end of days", then yeah, make him a saint or whatever, but if he is wrong, again and again, and again, ummm, smarten up.  This incident, in an interesting sidenote, was responsible for the creation of the Seventh Day Adventists, which still exist today.
    But if your faith is that strong, all the science in the world is not going to change how you think.  I guess the same is true in the other direction, if science can explain it, it's not superstitious.  But how much money do those churches keep bringing in?  And tax free to boot.
    With my brother in town, we are going to touch on some weird topics, he brought up Alex Jones.  It is good to hear him still working.  I bought into his schtick back in the early 90's.  He was working on conspiracy theories galore.  After a while, I had to stop watching, he was just too amped up, tone it down.  Twenty years later, he is still doing the same thing, there must be a profitable angle.  Nobody does something for half their life if it doesn't make them money some way.
    I personally think they are the same thing.  I will give you a message you want to hear, you will give me money.  That is pretty much how all religions work, not to mention stuff that lives on public access, somebody has to be supporting it with actual dollars.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/14/15 Daytime TV Is Crap?

    I rolled my eyes so far back I had to stick a finger in my ear and push them back forward.  Daytime TV is so lame, it feeds our shitty disabled mentality, as more and more people join the "I can't work because of this and that excuse".  I believe it was Dr. Oz, it is always on at Wendy's, even my ten year old says that Dr. just wants to touch the girls on the show.  I do notice he is always ready to give them a good grope.
    The lame girl in question had PTSD after being in a car accident.  Okay, I can almost buy that, but rewind a bit and the mom was woken at 2:30am, what was this then 14 year old girl doing out at 2:30am?  The girls complaint was that she was so tired, she put her feet up on the dashboard, because everyone knows that's where you put your feet when you are very tired.  Who doesn't come home, get in bed, and throw their feet up on their headboard to get comfortable?  The story is that they were then in an accident with another car, the airbag deployed and her own knees broke her skull.  No Shit, Stupid!!!  Anytime someone has tried putting their feet up on my dashboard, I very quickly say "hey, what the fuck!  Sit in the back if you're gonna act like an animal.  These must be the same animals that want to sit with their feet up on tables, not thinking other people are going to be putting their food there as soon as they leave whatever restaurant.
    I guess her feet needed surgery, as she went from a size 8 to a size 6, and again 1st world problems, "I used to love shopping for shoes, but now that my feet are smaller, I am ashamed."  What?!?!  Try shopping for size 14 shoes before you hang yourself on that cross.  BTW, I thought PTSD was for people who have served in the military and seen and done some stuff normal people don't.  Not for girls who are running around different parties in the middle of the night, falling asleep in the car.  Take your dumbass home and none of this happens.
    All the experts were very sympathetic, she walked away from the show with free massages and counseling to deal with PTSD for a year, a new pair of shoes a month for a year, valued at $2500, and a bunch of other crap.  Where was the guy keeping it real calling her stupid for sitting incorrectly, getting after the mom for not putting stronger curfew rules, some defensive driving classes for the person driving?  The whole episode left me disgusted.
    It's like, let me spray myself in gasoline, then I'm going to grill over an open flame, when my arms "accidentally" light on fire, I want the experts to tell me how brave I was for trying to feed my family over an open flame, and never mention the fact that I was stupid.  Offer me free surgeries to fix my burnt skin, which I caused.  Ughhhh, stupid!!!

10/13/15 Mr. Mom, For A Week?

    I absolutely hate Wife going to conferences, but here we go again.  She is off to Corpus Christi from Tuesday through Friday.  I honestly am not sure what they are for.  She has three before the christmas break.  Let's say this one deals with state issues, the next one deals with country wide issues, and the third one is new, it is a meeting of planetary homeless liasons (and her boss would be pissed if I didn't mention "and bus driver tuesdays and thursdays).
    Speaking of, new management is not keen on all these conferences, I would hope she would just put a stop to them.  From my point of view what is to be gained, if she doesn't go, it's one less headache for me.  I hate having to run the household by myself.  It doesn't help with Boy not being in the house.  My brother is supposed to show up today to be in the house with Chubs, while I come to work at night.  I love my brother, of course, but he is not one to sit around and joke much.  Every discussion with him has to be passionate and loud.  He is considering coming back, I hope he takes the time to apply to some jobs while he is here.  I don't want to push him or rush him, but his rent could almost be paying for my truck, so that would be win win, if he does come up.
    I know time flies by super fast during the week, and it'll be Friday before we know it.  My folks are supposed to come up this Friday, they are joining us to go to the ren fest.  We have gone a bunch of times, maybe 8-9.  My folks have joined us about half the time.  My mom loves stuff like that, I know my dad would rather stay home and watch even high school football from California than go, but my mom manages to drag him along.
     I just picked up our Excursion yesterday, supposedly some spark plugs and coils were misfiring, it got a tune up, all of them were replaced along with a bunch of other work totaling close to $1400.  If it stops the problem of it shutting off intermittently I don't mind paying for the work.  If it continues, the Excursion will be the down payment for a vehicle for Wife pretty soon.  Either way, this week I have to make sure Chubs, eats dinner, showers, does his homework, goes to bed on time, gets up on time for school, man, that boy needs a staff of people.

Monday, October 12, 2015

10/12/15 Stung In The Tit?

    Yesterday, was a relaxing Sunday afternoon.  We got up around noon, I got on internet while Wife got dressed and ready.  We ate breakfast at Torchy's Taco's and I must say, they are very good tacos.
    When we got there it was a little packed, but by the time we left it was mostly empty.  We sat there, uncharacteristically chilling and taking it easy.  I was cracking Chubs up with pictures from Pinterest that were sarcastically funny, even if i had  to explain why certain pics were funny.
    I had plans to finish painting upper balcony, Wife wanted to just make it an easy afternoon grilling.  I forgot to get charcoal, so grilling was out.  I was still going to be productive and trim the palm trees.  Right as I thought about the bees last time and I cut the second palm leaf, I was swarmed by bees.  Two managed to sting me, one in the tit and one on the tricep.  I was up on a stool and it took me a second to run and flap my arms.  For a second, I thought I'm not allergic, keep cutting, but it's not like they were going to stop stinging, at that point I started flailing like a little girl.  I went back half an hour later and the nest was on that first palm leaf I cut, on the floor.  Luckily, Wife keeps plenty of bee killer, I sprayed the rest of the tree, until it dripped, then I went to my other task.
    Friday night, I started painting the balcony, I got abouthalf way done with the lower part by climbing on my ladders, then I had to involve Boy, since he is much skinnier and lighter weight, he could climb on my extension ladder.  This was a lot of effort, but we still only reached the very bottom  of the upper balcony.  Sunday night, I went at it again, this time from the balcony to paint the slats.  I found that I could reach about 90% by reaching over the top.  I did this, then stuck my hand and paintbrush in between the bottom of the rails to finish.
    By this point, there was little left to do but paint bottom patio.  I did with the remains of paint, then decided to touch-up garage door, since there wasn't enough paint to save it.  After doing this, I went back to the palm trees and cut most the dead palm leaves off.  The last chore of the weekend was to fire up the pool pump.  Surprisingly, it is still very clean.  I just swept it real quick and added new chlorine "pucks".  Busy busy, but that is always better than figuring out what to do sometimes.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

10/11/15 Bass Pro Shops?

    Bass Pro Shops is like Cabela's how Ford is like Chevy.  I don't know how both these monster stores can exist, but I do enjoy walking through either one, once in a while.  Cabela's has been in Buda for a few years now, and it is all right, although if they had a choice, I think they would rather sell guns.  Bass Pro Shops, on the other hand seems to lean towards fishing, if only because you can even buy a boat there.
    I had been wanting to go check out the Bass Pro Shops in Round Rock since it opened this summer, but it is a pain in the ass to drive north.  We had nothing going on this weekend, we have a couple of things to take care of this morning, but Wife is good on the phone, and after an hour, we were done.  We updated our insurance, adding in my new truck, removing the old one, and stuff like that.
    I can't help but get my panties wet, looking at new boats.  I would be stupid to get one right now, but sometime in the future, I would like a new one, Wife always insists it will be a pontoon, and I can't help but like the size of square footage a pontoon gives.  They have pontoons, deck boats, fishing boats, both bass boats, and coastal saltwater boats.  Each boat is specialized for specific purposes, but any can be used for light fishing and swimming, which is what we do out on the lakes.
    We then walked the aisles, Chubs wanted to go look at the guns, thought he should have a BB gun, which I reminded him about when our neighbor accused him of shooting her window.  He backed off, then Wife brought up maybe she should have like a pellet gun to keep by the bed.  I told her a real gun would be better, maybe a .22, if she wanted a small caliber, but then she felt me getting serious about spending money, and she started saying no and walking away.
    We looked around the shoe department before Chubs started whining about needing to go to the mall, and Wife having to go to the bathroom.  This was my cue, that fun time is over.  Luckily, Chubs just wanted the screwdriver from Dr. Who, which they are selling at Hot Topic and there happened to be a Hot Topic next door at the Outlet Mall.  He got his screwdriver, a wallet and even a shirt.  Not bad for him.
    We walked around a little more, and while talking about watches and going into a couple stores selling watches, we found a store selling used Rolex watches.  I love the idea of getting one cheaper than the new Submariner price of $13,900 but the used ones were going for $11,500.  The guy was saying they were certified, but he talked a little too fast for me, and the watches had nicks and scratches and just didn't seem right.
    We ended the night eating at TGIF, I opted for the pasta with shrimp and chicken, and it was nice to not feel like I overate when we left.  Ususally I feel like I am the man, I should order the big steak and eat more than everybody.  It was a good, lazy day.  Boy did not go with us, he was doing homework, but requested Taco Bell, which we got him before we came home.  We did a drive by of the neighborhood, and it seems a little dry of Halloween decorations, I hate to say.  There were a few years when it felt like we were competing with other houses for best Halloween effort.  This year, maybe three or four other houses even have things out on their yard.

10/10/15 The Martian (movie)

    We went and saw The Martian as a last minute activity last night, mostly because I love the pepperoni pizza at Alamo Drafthouse.  The movie was really good and intense.  Perfect movie, makes you laugh, cry, think, and discuss what you saw.  Chubs and I were a mess with the crying, mostly from the intense moments on screen.
    I think these movies are good, we have now had Gravity with Sandra Bullock, Interstellar with Mathew McConaughey, and The Martian which bring science and space to the forefront.  As a society, we should be thinking of going out into space and figuring how to live out there.  At some point aliens are going to land here, and we'll still be blowing each other up like the monkeys we are in the middle east.  We really need to cut that shit out and focus on more grown up things like conquering space travel so we can be the aliens landing on other planets scaring the primitives.
    I hate that NASA lost its stronghold on space exploration, at least it was an organization within the government which spent tax dollars getting men (and women) into space.  I still remember doing a tour of the NASA facility in Florida.  They had a Saturn rocket laying on its side inside a building, I want to say was as long as a football field, a rocket garden outside with a number of old rockets standing together like metal trees.  There was a launch simulation which absolutely gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes, feeling a shuttle launch, and the power produced by the rockets even though they are like a mile away.
    Nothing makes me prouder to be an american, than seeing those ships and rockets flying into the sky.  It is a truly concerted effort by teams of hundreds of intelligent people working together for a moment of perfection.  The movie touched on this.  There were countless scores of teams helping to save our "boy" and bring him back, working round the clock, coming up with creative solutions where there are nothing but problems.
    As Boy countered, there are companies like Space X sending unmanned rockets up, and I guess if we are going to live and die by the capitalist system, it should be this way, but I want Space X to have its competition.  Ford, Chevy and Dodge have made themselves better by competing, with themselves and outside competition, this only brings us better cars and trucks.  I hope there is more than Space X out there, it needs competition to make better rockets.
    I gotta add, Boy was making rockets in high school, large ones, like 8-10 ft tall.  It was intense watching them launch.  We would go to this all day affair out towards Fredericksburg, where all day long, one rocket after another from different schools launched.  Every rocket made me fear, ok, this is the one that is coming righ after us.  They never did.  A couple did fail at launch, but they would somersault and die in the field before us.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

10/9/15 Freedom Costs Money?

    I am fixing to go home on a Thursday night.  Sucks balls to tell you the truth.  On the one hand, I'll get a good night's sleep, have a long weekend to putz around the house, maybe do some more cleaning.  On the other, I am so used to working through and getting some OT, that I kind of count it as part of my salary.
    Blah blah blah about not counting before you have it.  Everybody with a set of fallopian tubes is going to give me the "mijo, it's not good to rely on what you don't have..." I know, but when it comes along regularly for the last ten years, it is surprising when we slow down.  I had been going non-stop this year, I go and get that freaking truck, and now three of the last four weeks have been without OT.  Somebody is f**king with me.
    My mommy teased me with news of my brother possibly coming back to Austin, but mommy also is providing free room and board and according to my other brother, a steak clause, three dinners a week are promised to be either ribeye or sirloin steaks.  Why would anybody leave that comfort zone?
    Wife can also help, she gets little "mileage checks" which she tries to get past me, it's always the same thing, when I get bonus money, it goes straight to the bank, when she gets "bonus money", "ay no, I worked extra for this, it's mine.  She's getting a little better, but I still have to shame her into giving it up.
    The company that works alongside us is talking about layoffs, surprising since they have been backlogged all year trying to qualify new material from the company that bought them out.  I like all the people that work here for them, four people total, but if they are affected, it could click us into high gear to help them catch up.  I love a backlog of a couple hundred samples and the thought of unlimited OT to get the work done and caught up.  I am not hoping they get laid off, but I will be making me some lemonade as quickly as possible, if the worst does occur.

10/8/15 Can My Boys Survive On Mashed Potatoes?

    We finished our rounds of dentist visits today.  I went through ok, just an intense cleaning, charged me $165 or so.  Boy went in last Friday and he got a two year plan that is going to cost me north of $4000.  At least it is in stages, Friday he goes in for the first step, cleaning under the gum lines.  He said anesthesia might be involved, and we are looking at a payment of $400 something.  Since his jawline is about done growing, they are looking at putting in permanent fake tooth where he lost one.  That will be a year long process, as first they will drill the screw/foundation, wait for any inflammation to subside and make sure there are no negative reactions, then the tooth will be attached, a bridge might be involved.
    As if that wasn't enough, Chubs and I went today to his pediatric dentist and he has some molars coming in causing him a lot of pain, the dentist then showed me in his mouth how his adult "fangs" are coming in where there is no space for them, so they will come in pointing sideways, unless we get him into some orthodentia, fancy word for braces.  Last time we got involved with braces for Boy they were in vicinity of $2500.  I know they gotta be more nowadays, simply because everything is more expensive.
    Here's one that I can't figure out.  Wife has never gone to dentist that I know of.  She has big strong teeth, but never does anything for them.  In the past, I kept finding containers of polydent, so I keep thinking she has fake teeth, but she has never taken them out in front of me.  When we started dating (she was 14), she was in braces, so she had real teeth then and her parents made her go to the dentist, I guess.  She has always had dental coverage, so she could go anytime.  She talks to death when she eats a taco with her coworkers or does anything out of the ordinary, if she went to the dentist during work time, I would surely hear about it, once in a while.
    She is a grown up, I will not schedule her visits, but as much as the boys might leave me broke, we are taking care of their teeth.  Mine are in good shape right now, cleaned last week, and no cavities.  So come on Wifey, you like the "anything you can do, I can do better!"  Get thy ass to the dentist!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

10/7/15 Winning Is Everything?

    My wife is an intelligent person, I would never question that, but she still asks questions that make me think you don't know me very well.  This weekend we were discussing the new truck and the fact that maybe we got too much truck.  I had told her before we even got serious about shopping "if I get a truck, it will be loaded and awesome, otherwise you can drive it as yours."
    She asked if it was important to me that my truck be as nice or nicer than my brother's.  I was in the shower, and the question was like a swift kick in the ass, yes!  Of course it has to be as nice.  As motivated as she can be at work, I don't think Wife is a type A personality.  She doesn't compete to win, she doesn't strive to be the best, every time I have killed myself to do something, I go all in.  Growing up, it was always more important to me to win, than to make friends.
    I was always near the top of my class, All- State in saxophone, graduated with a 4.0 from the junior college, went to UT on a scholastic scholarship, moved to a bigger house because it all ties together, and now my giant truck puts a bow on top.
    There have been times when being me might be frustrating to people around me, overall, she benefits from me being how I am.  I have fought up the ladder, and although I am not a manager, I do tend to be the highest paid person in the group, thanks to all the OT.  I wouldn't believe this myself as we have 3-4 PhDs, but my director has told me so, and not in a happy tone.  My only come back is well, if you want the work done on time, I'm not going to be here for free.
    Still, Wife foolishly asks me from time to time "who are you competing with?"  I have to say I compete with me.  Once you settle, there you will be, and that is all you'll deserve.  She wanted to go and live in our old house, at least for a year or two.  I couldn't do it.  What if I stroke out and die in the next year or two?  What was the point of making more money than everybody, you still died in the house you bought twenty years ago, how far did I get, if that is all I accomplished?
    I don't measure everyone as harshly as I do myself.  I am sure most people are happier with what they have, people are taught and trained with that, "be happy with what the lord has provided."  

Monday, October 5, 2015

10/6/15 Wake Up, Fatboy?

    I have felt as I have been in a haze since the time we came back from vacation in June.  My thought is I caused it by overdoing things.  I then pussed out and turned myself off by not doing anything the last couple months.  I went from walking four miles to whining about a blister, lifting weights twice a week to saying well, if my partner doesn't show up, neither do I.
    I felt a bit of a spark yesterday.  We cleaned our yard and worked hard longer than I had in a good while.  I woke up today and decided I am going to try and keep up the intensity.  I went outside and finished trimming the backyard, as well as walk a mile on the treadmill, felt longer than the walking at work, but I stayed on for the full 21 min and change at around 3mi/hr.
    I am now at work and already walked another mile here in the hallways, and possibly going for three miles tonight.  At the start of the year, I was going to continue the 4 miles a night and add 2-3 miles at home on treadmill, and eventually convert it to running, which I think might be when I have a chance to really take some weight off.
    Last week was another slow week, work wise.  I feel good sleeping late, getting up to twelve hours sleep, after going non-stop for so long.  I could panic a bit that work seems slow, but historically, it always picks up speed and volume.  I will play it smart and just take the time to relax and catch up on chores around the house.
    Another simple thing I could do to lose weight would be to cut out the breakfast.  Sometimes I just eat a bowl of cereal, which is good, sometimes though, I'll eat a burger, from leftovers, continue with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then go "healthy" and eat a banana and whatever other fruit is in the bowl.  This is no bueno, because I just shower and go to sleep, once I get upstairs.  That could be an easy 500 calories to get rid of, we'll see.
    Maybe I am kidding myself, we have two candy bowls on the island in the kitchen right now, and no fruit.  If I can't do it right now, then definitely by Jan 1st.  I promise.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

10/5/15 A Little Fall Cleaning?

    My body hurts, but it feels good knowing we did some good cleaning outside the house.  Wife wanted to decorate for Halloween, so of course I needed some excuses not to do that right away.  We started the day by driving to Buda to go look at some homes.  It is the same builder we had looked at before that builds homes with an attached apartment, or separate "home within a home."  At the moment they did not have lots big enough to build those homes but I did think it odd that while we were there, three other families showed up randomly asking about the same thing.  If that is happenning all day long, maybe it's time to make that more regular and come up with even more than the handful of plans that offer that.  The builder is Lennar Homes and the homes I am talking about are Nextgen homes, for anyone interested in looking them up.
    After the drive, and finally talking to my mom through the Bluetooth feature in my truck for about ten minutes, I had tried her all weekend, but she is a busy lady, we ended up eating at Culver's.  I just love their patty melts and their fries.  Of course, they have that silky smooth custard ice cream.  I just looked it up, A custard differs from ice cream in that it has a higher percentage of egg yolk, it is also not mixed with air, so it tends to be very dense and smooth.
    Out of excuses, we headed home, Wife said she would cut the front yard quickly and treat any ant mounds before starting with the decorations, I followed behind with the trimmer, along house and sidewalks.  Then I got a little distracted, and power washed the gate as I had been meaning to do something about its ugly look, being all spotted and dull brownish looking.  The power washer brought it back to its orange look.  I then decided to get my drill and fix the loose board on the gate, and while I was at it, I went and fixed the back fence, which also had a slat that had fallen off awhile back.  This lead me to take a look at the backyard, and I ended up cuttting the grass back there, as it was taller than my knees in places.  By then Wife put up some decorations with the help of Chubs, before I started cutting the backyard, Boy got home and he wanted to eat before he left to San Marcos so I fired up the grill.  Before I was halfway done with the backyard, Wife was cooking up some steaks we had bought Friday night, man they were delicious.
    I ended the night by rearranging our patio, threw away a bunch of old boxes and containers of pool stuff that had been taking up too much space.  This was probably all motivated in my head by hanging out at my friend's new house, but at least it got me off my lazy ass.  Wife was happy, because we all did it together and now we have Halloween showing inside and out.

10/4/15 Friendly Get Together?

    Tonight we got together at our friend's house.  It was actually a nice evening.  He works until 6:00pm, so his plan was for us to go over around 7:00pm.  Because I am me, I had fallen asleep around 4:30.  I tried getting up early to watch the Longhorn game at 11:00am, but missed most of it.  I woke up around 12:30 and went down to watch the Longhorns get destroyed by TCU.  I decided to be productive instead, so I sat at the table and worked on our bills.  By the time I was done, Wife had come down and made breakfast.  Since it is a lazy weekend, I finished with the bills, enjoyed some chorizo, egg, and potato breakfast tacos.  There was nothing else to do but take a nap.
    I should've run to the Home Depot before I napped, because by the time they woke me at six, we were running a little late, considering I was going to go to Home Depot, and I had told him we would take some meat and a dessert.  Eventually, we did all the quick stops, and got over there by 8:15 or so.  It was fine, we also took a bottle of peach wine which we bought probably last christmas and had been in our fridge.  His girlfriend opened it, and I believe the bottle was finished by the time we ate an hour later.
    His house is still beautiful to me.  I hate to say that it is nicer than ours, but it is.  It has a game room upstairs overlooking the living room below, there is a theater room which he has the chairs in there, but no projection screen yet.  The kitchen is swimming in granite counter space.  There are three big sections, an L-shape along the wall, an island, and a third piece with a raised area that separates the kitchen from the living room and fits about three stools.
    Since he moved in, he has added about 8-10 ft of concrete with slab rocks to extend the patio space out into the yard the length of the back of the house.  There is also a great big chimney which he had done after he moved in.
    Chubs had a great time playing with their little son on the video game machine, and then with some nerf guns.  He was a little upset when we left though because he was playing Minecraft and had spent some time "breaking" a horse and after he trained him and was riding him along the shore, the son decided he was going to kill the horse, he did with a bow and arrow.  This upset Chubs a bit, so he killed his dog, then the boy burned down their house/castle.  I think the little boy was tired as we were there until almost midnight, either way, other than that, we had a pretty good time catching up.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

10/3/15 To Gift Or Not To Gift?

    Tomorrow we have a get together with one of my few male friends.  He recently built a new house so the dinner is part get together and part "come see the new house".  I am usually not comfortable at other people's houses, we have usually hosted any get togethers or parties over the years with any other friends.  But he has been promising to have us over as soon as his new house was presentable.
    My thought is do we bring a house warming gift?  In the movies, and on TV, it seems to be what people do.  I know it's not essential that we do, but I think it's nice.  I've done this before, maybe a Home Depot gift card, there is always something else to be done to the house and everything costs a bunch.
    When my in-laws moved into their house in San Antonio about ten years ago, we bought them their refrigerator.  I still remember my mother in law insisting on bisque for the color.  That was the one color I didn't think people ever used.  Appliances came in white, black, bisque (yellowish cream color), and stainless steel.  Of course, I thought everything new should be stainless steel, she new that the rest of her kitchen was that bisque color.
    In return, when we moved to our current house, my in-laws returned the favor and they purchased our pool table.  Honestly, we don't play much pool, but I love knowing it is there.  Wife uses the table during christmas to wrap gifts, Boy has used it with the extra ping pong surface as a flat area to have computer parties or to even play those huge table top games that require hours and patience.
    Anyways, it should be interesting.  He divorced about two years now, has a new gal with a couple kids, he has a couple kids.  They are all living together a la Brady Bunch style, except the house is huge with five or six bedrooms so each kid has his own space.  
    I am sure even if the Longhorns play at 11:00am, there will be some other game at 7:00pm, that is prime time.  Plus he'll have the grill going, I can't help myself, I'll take some meat and a dessert.  I never like the idea of being a mooch.  He's not the drinking type.  I really don't drink either, specially if I am not at home.  I keep saying we need to make some changes to our routine, this could be a big one, specially if we do it more than once.  Let's see what happens tonight...

Friday, October 2, 2015

10/2/15 How Do People Start New Lives?

    I love watching those HGTV shows, starry eyed people deciding they are going to buy a home on some far away island, or better yet, move to Alaska.  How do people manage to do that?  I'm not sure I could move to the north side of town, it would be so drastic and different.  The people on TV frequently are buying houses or condos in the $300,000 and up range so there has to be some serious money for these fantasies/dreams to come true.
    My house cost that much and honestly it kind of chokes our lifestyle.  Between the house being expensive and my job, which happens to pay quite well, I feel like a prisoner.  We almost sold the house and moved to our older house as I kept saying over the summer, but honestly, the house was not show ready and still would not be.  There was an almost identical house on our street and they could not sell for over $400,000.  We almost have to sell for that amount, considering the realtors get a very healthy 6% right off the top to make it worth our while.
    My salary is also artificially inflated with all the OT I am allowed to work since we are short handed, plus I get paid for compressed hours and I get a 15% differential for being awake at night.  I almost double my salary with all these "extras", which again, is great, but where else am I going to find such an awesome set-up?  I am basically a prisoner in my life.
    I don't think I want to move, but the shows do piss me off a bit, when Joe Blow and Sally Knucklehead are looking at $750,000 vacation homes... what am I doing wrong that I can't afford their lifestyle?
    My plans are not that fantastical, I would at some point like a vacation home on the coast with a view, I could settle buying a lot with some lakefront views for my olden years.  Maybe all those people on TV are just acting anyway, at least I'll keep telling myself that.
    The idea of Alaska is other world stuff.  There is no way I would want freaking bears to have access to my backyard, I've seen those things outrun and take down moose.  Bears can keep Alaska, I'll stay near the coast, that's where bikinis get used most often anyway.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

10/1/15 Overcoming Adversity Like A Boss?

    We have a friend of the family who turns out is pregnant.  My first thought was "well that's the end of her life, shitty as it was."  Not to be mean, but didn't finish school, dating a guy who has bounced through at least three jobs in the last year, and she herself hasn't been concerned with a job either.
    Wife tried getting her enrolled in some GED classes, but that was a no go, a year or two ago, so we can say we tried.  Que sera, sera.  I want to be positive because I like her so this is what I see from the clues afforded me so far. 
    She has risen like a phoenix, newly restored as a human with a purpose, maybe the fetus is driving the human.  She called me a couple nights ago in the middle of the night.  She was just saying hi, and she got a new job as a front desk receptionist at a business, working nights, but she will move to days eventually.  She was dressed as professionally as I have ever seen her dress in her latest pic on Facebook.  Maybe the girl will be alright.
    I want to believe that in a crisis, certain people are able to overcome things that normally would destroy regular people.  If she can get her sh*t together, it would be great.  A strong woman can turn a hunk of worthless man into something semi useful.  Hopefully, knowing she's got babies (they told her possibly twins) fixing to shoot out her butt in less than a year's time, she can get her affairs in order.
    I only thank our parents when this happened to us.  I wanted to crumble like a sandcastle at the end of a summer day, get washed away and disappear at the thought of having to grow up into a real "man".  I loved running around carefree on campus, worrying about me, me and me.  Wife took to it like a duck to water, filling out all sorts of medicaid and food stamps and all that crap to help while I panicked and contemplated dousing myself in gasoline and ending it all.
    I sucked in the beginning, but I think I have been alright since then.  Best advice I can give is "you don't matter, you are here for the kids, suck it up."