Saturday, December 1, 2018

12/1/18 There Is A Reason I Call My Son A Knucklehead?

    This morning I had already decided I would go to the principal's office with my son to show the front office that we care about our son and we are there for him.  I didn't have a plan of action, what could I do other than apologize, maybe beg that they don't cut his arms off if things went as bad as Wife seemed to think they should.  Javalina said he would prefer I not get off, that he really thought the whole thing would blow over, and if I showed up, they might have to escalate things and call the other kids parent's in.  I said "ok, but I am going to be waiting for your text, let me know what the principal says as soon as they finish talking to you.  I very slowly left campus, thinking I should maybe just park in the parking lot and wait, if they called, I would be there.  I left very cautiously, and within 5 minutes he called that the assistant principal said to just let it go and get to class, everyone involved had said it was an accident, so there was no reason to punish anyone.
    He did run into the kid, he has him in Spanish class and they have known each other since third grade or something, he was saying.  Javalina asked how he was and the kid said he was fine, and he had told the nurse and other administrators that it was an accident, and that they were cool.  I asked "did you say "Let's hug it out, Bitch!", like they do in Entourage?"  He was not familiar with the show and that term, so he looked at me weird.  But he did say that they shook hands and they were cool.
    Fast forward to after school, I go to pick up my boy, and there is a piece of PVC pipe, about five feet long, being wielded by a girl, she has it above her head and acting like she is the queen of the playground.  as Javalina opened the door I said "is that the stick that got you in trouble?"  He said no, the one they used was longer, but he said he had to stop himself, he grabbed the other end that the girl had and was about to do the SAME EXACT SHIT of spinning the girl to take it from her.  As soon as he felt the power, he realized what he was doing and stopped.  He said he chose to not take it, but rather to run away from the girl.  I know it was all in good fun, but REALLY?!?!  So while he was waiting for me to show up, he was avoiding this girl swinging this piece of plastic pipe which he could've taken at any point from her, but he didn't want to risk hurting someone else, and especially activating that swarm of bees that pretends to be his Mama, most of the time.

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