Friday, December 14, 2018

12/14/18 I May Be A Product Of A Large Family, But I Can't Stand Them?

    Fuck, I hate a family with a bunch of little kids.  You might want to feel for them, but those idiots chose to have that many kids.  Yes, I have kids, but raising basically one at a time, we've never let them act like they own a restaurant and just let them run around, that is asshole behavior.
    We went to Whataburger today and wow, the animals were out in full force.  First of all, a family of Mexicans was in the process of getting their order together and the guy was really into discussing how Mexican the guy behind the counter was.  The guy behind the counter was saying he came from somewhere south of the border but he had been here for 15-20 years, I say where are you, ICE?  Not that I want anyone hauled away, but keep the line moving.  I don't want to age while you figure out if the guy is brown enough to serve you fries.  Meanwhile your kids are playing with the soda machine like it's the first time they drank out of a faucet.  The youngest kid at 4-5 had a large cup of course filled to the rim, and probably weighed half the kids weight, without a lid.  I was just waiting for the spill and surprised reaction.  The fat mom never got up to help and corral the kids in.
    If that wasn't bad enough, there was another lady with another four kids and I believe her partner worked there.  These little animals might have been worse.  First of all, the youngest shit kept running up and down the plastic bench that is almost the length of the seating area and it would make a tightening drum sound as the kid ran up and down the bench.  Also, while she was distracted by her own shit, the two older ones just decided they were going to go out and play in traffic.  Even Javalina was "should I say something?"  I said "No!, If that a-hole hasn't noticed half her kids are outside, she can suck a dick.
   I know my mom is going to get all grr, we were 4 siblings, and even Wife was the same with 6 people living under their roof.  I guess the difference was we didn't go out in public much and we were a good ten years apart.  By the time my younger brother and sister came around, I was a certified babysitter specializing in the Heimlich maneuver, CPR, and as savvy as a shark around water.  This allowed me to do part time work as a "Manny" at the age of 8 or 9 so my mom could breath easier.  I kid, of course, but I guess because we were raised in a small town, we didn't focus energy on annoying the people around us.
    My brother in law has 4 kids spaced 1-2 years apart from each other, and wow, they carry energy.  They are not bad kids, but they will get up and head to the restroom, whenever we visit and manage to go have dinner.  This used to bug me so much, I complained loudly to them that "oh well, you got 4, when they steal and rape one of them, you'll still have three."  Now at least they go in pairs, not by themselves, I still don't like it, but it is an improvement.
    Maybe the kids at Whataburger seemed extra annoying because I didn't sleep much, or because I was expecting to be called in for some OT tonight and that didn't happen.

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