Saturday, December 15, 2018

12/16/18 Doing The Ponch?

    I never stay up like I did yesterday, the only one I know who always used to stay up late on the last day after their work week ended was my brother when he was living up here in Austin working nights.  It was a curious feeling, I know I can hang until around 11:00am maybe noon, as it is not uncommon for me to stay up that late.  But since I am always wary about being alert enough to pick up Javalina, I have to force myself to sleep, if I stay up until noon, I can still get almost 4 hours sleep, and I can function enough on that.  Since Wife had taken the day off and we had kind of planned on doing some shopping, I still wanted to go out and hang out with her after I was called to go to work.  To me, that just means extra money to pay down some of the things we are going to charge for the people in our lives.
    By the time we ate at Mod Pizza, here in Southpark Meadows, my back was almost wanting to cramp up on me.  Once I sat down, it hurt to get back up.  I've been wearing tennis shoes again and they feel great, but I chose to go in Crocs in the morning, and my feet felt raw by 2:00pm walking around with no socks.  After all that, I still wanted to take a quick look at the prices of the washers at Best Buy (you can see the store from Mod Pizza), they also had a couple machines in the $400-500 range.  The only problem was that it was now 3:30pm and it was about time to go pick up our youngest deductible, so Wife dropped me off at the house, I barely remember pooping and showering and I was out like a light.  I may have lifted my eyes open at 6:30, wondered why I was in bed, faintly heard Wife and Javalina making noise and fell back to sleep.  I came down at 8:30pm and Wife had made a delicious "caldo", which is Spanish for soup with cabbage and hunks of steak, corn, rice, and a hearty beef broth.  It totally hit the spot, even if both Wife and Javalina sat on either side of me, waking me up in between putting the spoon in my mouth.  I finished eating and could do no better than lean back on the sofa and fall back to sleep.
    At some point, Boy and his crew came down into the kitchen and got loud, quickly.  Even though they do that, I love having the Boy and his gang o' nerds here because we don't have to worry about him drinking or doing other stupid shit.  They tend to get together on Friday nights, they buy pizzas and crap at Sam's and have their little gaming sessions, whether on board games or with video games.  I digress though, last night, it was just loud enough for Wife to suggest we go up to our room to watch TV.  I said sure, even though as soon as I saw the bed, I was out again.  Wife kept watching TV until about midnight, and I slept until then.  Of course, as soon as she turned off the TV, I was ready to wake up.  She laid down and put up her defenses, pillows all around so I don't go trying to grope her.  I tore through the pillow fortress and was under her shirt before she started complaining to leave her alone so she could sleep.  I said I just need to play with her boobs for a bit, she can keep her pants on (when you're a ball buster, you sleep in jeans).
    I tossed and turned, got up at 2:30am to try and write yesterday's blog, but only got about halfway done.  I found a slice of pizza in the fridge from Boy's get together, ate it, and probably ate some cookies and other crap.  I tried writing but ended up falling back to sleep on the chair, woke up to random yelling on Youtube, it was the mink man calling his mink back to him.  I gave up and went back to bed around 4:30am, and slept until 10:30am.  It was a long stretch of being awake followed by a long stretch of being asleep.  Let's see if it helps today.

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