Sunday, December 2, 2018

12/2/18 Longhorns Big12 Championship Game?

    Why the F do these games have to be in the morning?  I knew since last week that the Horns were going to play against the Sooners for the Big12 championship, but I didn't bother checking what time until I was walking out this morning from work.  I managed to get a very rare extra night of OT and I was not going to say no, even if I didn't feel 100%.  Why do they have to play so early, I mean you can't plan a nice afternoon around this?
    I still thought maybe I can make a day of it, I left work at 7:00am, stopped at HEB, bought a brisket so we could cook it slowly and maybe eat it after or towards the end of the game, silly me.  I got home around 8:00am, promptly went upstairs and told Wife "hey, I bought a brisket, you want to come prepare it so we can eat it today or do you want to save it for Sunday, she had already said her plans were to stay home and not go much of anywhere this weekend.  She reluctantly got up and we came down talking about how Javalina was thinking last night that it would be fun to go to breakfast when I got home in the morning, except he didn't tell me anything.  I had bought eggs, bacon, breakfast sausage, and regular sausage to have an option of what we ate for breakfast.  Wife did call him a couple times at while we were walking down, but he never got up, even as we heard his alarm go off.
    We sat in the kitchen for a good 20 minutes talking and then Wife went to bed.  I read a little on the computer and then went to bed, hoping to catch some of the game.  I then woke up at 12:30 and thought "good, I slept a solid four hours, I can get up now."  I peed and went downstairs.  I managed to turn on the projector which I believe is on its last legs as we have to turn it on 4-5 times before it will stay on, and close the curtains to darken the room.  We have all these blankets on the sofa right now, that it was just like moving to another bed, I didn't even catch the game coming back from whatever commercial, I was out again right before it went into halftime.  Wife and Javalina were sitting with me sometime towards the end of the game, she had made croissants with eggs and sausage patties.  It was all a gooey mess as the yolk ran down my fingers and I ate with one eye open, the other refusing to wake up.  I honestly didn't wake up until the end of the game.  I wanted to watch it, but I kind of knew Oklahoma had to win, for the playoff thing.  We weren't going to get anything out of it, except knock out our best chance at a representative from the Big12, so why have this Championship game, everybody had already played everybody?
   Honestly, I love the chance of making extra money with an OT night, but damn, I am getting old.  I used to bounce into the weekend like it was no big deal, this one stole most of Saturday.  It didn't help that it was a lazy day and the most we accomplished was going to stock up on candles at Bath and Bodyworks, as they had their annual $8.95 a candle sale (it had been $8 the previous years, fuckers).  We came back and saw downsizing with Matt Damon while we ate our brisket and all I can say was wow, that was a great dinner, the brisket had hardly any fat, we ate it in tacos with some slices of avocado and there was also some sausage, but the brisket was top notch.  I have to say the movie had a lot of interesting elements, as well as taking a clever look at humanity, which I'll have to write about next.  Saturday was a good day.

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