Tuesday, December 4, 2018

12/5/18 Javalina's Christmas Recital?

    Tonight was our son's Christmas recital and I wish I could say everything went fine, but no, we live amongst too many stupid fucking Mexicans.  It was bad enough that my son was a little nervous about how it was going to go tonight.  I guess it is a good thing that these fucking excuses of so called parents are self centered, so I don't think they noticed if my son played a couple of wrong notes.
    As usual, it seems like they can't turn on the A/C after hours, so halfway through and in a crowd, it starts getting warm.  Second problem was my dad can't or won't climb a step, so we were stuck sitting in front of an especially stupid variety of human.  Before the concert started, I noticed a big ole lady sitting on the bench behind me, I thought she might be the talking kind, but she didn't really have an audience.  Cue the start of the first band and her family must have right there decided it was time to walk in and seat down.  All these a-holes who were more concerned about themselves were suddenly sitting behind us.  No kidding, as soon as the first song finished playing, not one but two of these apes hit play on their phones, I guess to make sure they had recorded correctly, but they were both playing back loud enough for the band to hear as they were trying to start the next song.  I turned and shushed them, not that it helped.
    There was an extra chair next to my dad, and all of a sudden while the bands were playing, she came over and stood in front of us.  My mom motioned her to take the chair which was a horrible idea because she had three kids and I don't think she had ever tried to get them to behave.  The smaller boy was ADD or something as he kept throwing himself on the older brother and then on the floor, butting against my dad, like he was just furniture.  As the song finished, I told my mom in the direction of the lady "fuck some people don't know how to behave or control their fucking kids."  She sat there five seconds more and decided to move it towards the door.
    Finally, there was a creepy ped working his magic on a future victim for somebody who likes easy girls.  This old fuck was telling his (I assumed granddaughter) to give him a kiss, she must have said no because then he went on and on about on Friday when he gets paid, he wasn't going to give her any money, so come on "give me a kiss."  I turned and shushed this idiot too.  I don't think anyone had ever told that Fucker to be quiet as he was shocked and got up and left, or something.  Pretty much, everyone was talking, even Knucklehead Wife was all "look, we have people watching live on Snapchat!"  I shushed her ass too.
    The music has gotten a lot better and they brought out the jazz band, which I would love it if Javalina joined, I really loved jazz band back in the day.  They also had steel drums played by kids, but they sounded like pros, it was such a great new live sound, for me.  As I kind of mentioned, my folks showed up almost as a surprise, so that was fun.  We went to eat at the Crawfish Shack, which is one of Javalina's favorite places.

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