Thursday, October 29, 2015

10/30/15 These Colors Don't Run?

    Along the lines of women dying their hair aggressively, such as I discussed a couple days ago with aposematism, there is also the overdone tattoo art.  Is there an end to this ridiculousness?  I didn't mind a little tramp stamp, something around the ankle.  Small advertisements that you're open for busineess, cool, but then it kept going.  I've seen the future, and tattoo'd eyeballs are creepy, not cool.
    The biggest reason I hear from people I have known is that they like the sensation.  Great, if that is it, how about the fade away tattoo, I saw a couple weeks ago, an ink that breaks down with sunlight.  If the sensation is so great, awesome, draw some lines on your back until you pass out, then know in a couple weeks it will all be gone.  No lingering skulls to freak out the children you only see on the weekends, or permanent names of guys you knew a couple months ago.
    I have a small tattoo on my deltoid.  When I got it, I was told, "ooh, you're going to become addicted."  You'll be back for more and more.  Why?  I graduated from UT, a decent accomplishment, I felt that was worthy, I earned the degree through a lot of work and sacrifice.  I then bought a house on the east side of town.  Hmm, an eastside tattoo?  No, that is just chance, it's where I could afford.  I now moved a little west, maybe "little west" is a thing.  I'm a little successful caused I moved a little west, orale!!!  Again, stupid.
    Of course it is not enough that the tattoos are there, they have to keep creeping into view.  Ten years ago, a neck tattoo existed on tough and scary dudes that had spent time in prison.  Nowadays, I see dopes I've known since they were tripping over their own big feet in elementary school with the neck tattoos.  Awesome, keep creeping up, and yes, we see them on the face, of course.  But Hey!  Even though it is center stage, I am not just a tattoo on my forehead, I am a fully functioning person.  I have feelings too, I mean confused, upset, and angry most of the time.... but still.
    I don't see how the pendulum will swing back.  When Mama is all tatted (face it, daddies ain't around), what will keep jr 1, 3, and 5 from doing the same?  Mama can't preach "don't do it", less she be labeled hypocrite.

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