Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/14/15 Daytime TV Is Crap?

    I rolled my eyes so far back I had to stick a finger in my ear and push them back forward.  Daytime TV is so lame, it feeds our shitty disabled mentality, as more and more people join the "I can't work because of this and that excuse".  I believe it was Dr. Oz, it is always on at Wendy's, even my ten year old says that Dr. just wants to touch the girls on the show.  I do notice he is always ready to give them a good grope.
    The lame girl in question had PTSD after being in a car accident.  Okay, I can almost buy that, but rewind a bit and the mom was woken at 2:30am, what was this then 14 year old girl doing out at 2:30am?  The girls complaint was that she was so tired, she put her feet up on the dashboard, because everyone knows that's where you put your feet when you are very tired.  Who doesn't come home, get in bed, and throw their feet up on their headboard to get comfortable?  The story is that they were then in an accident with another car, the airbag deployed and her own knees broke her skull.  No Shit, Stupid!!!  Anytime someone has tried putting their feet up on my dashboard, I very quickly say "hey, what the fuck!  Sit in the back if you're gonna act like an animal.  These must be the same animals that want to sit with their feet up on tables, not thinking other people are going to be putting their food there as soon as they leave whatever restaurant.
    I guess her feet needed surgery, as she went from a size 8 to a size 6, and again 1st world problems, "I used to love shopping for shoes, but now that my feet are smaller, I am ashamed."  What?!?!  Try shopping for size 14 shoes before you hang yourself on that cross.  BTW, I thought PTSD was for people who have served in the military and seen and done some stuff normal people don't.  Not for girls who are running around different parties in the middle of the night, falling asleep in the car.  Take your dumbass home and none of this happens.
    All the experts were very sympathetic, she walked away from the show with free massages and counseling to deal with PTSD for a year, a new pair of shoes a month for a year, valued at $2500, and a bunch of other crap.  Where was the guy keeping it real calling her stupid for sitting incorrectly, getting after the mom for not putting stronger curfew rules, some defensive driving classes for the person driving?  The whole episode left me disgusted.
    It's like, let me spray myself in gasoline, then I'm going to grill over an open flame, when my arms "accidentally" light on fire, I want the experts to tell me how brave I was for trying to feed my family over an open flame, and never mention the fact that I was stupid.  Offer me free surgeries to fix my burnt skin, which I caused.  Ughhhh, stupid!!!

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