Friday, October 16, 2015

10/16/15 New Phones Are The Shit?

    I went and upgraded my phone today.  These devices are blurring the line as all in one entertainment/life support systems.  Who still buys Magellan handheld map thingies, or IPODS, for that matter, flashlights?  When was the last time a Yellow Pages mattered?  I would dare say even baby toys are being replaced, as even babies are drawn to the tiny screens.  I don't know if this is good or bad, but about 50% of the time I try to contact my Mom, she replies hours later with "oh, the baby was using the phone, I didn't notice your call.  She could just be blowing me off, but still.
    I got a Note 5.  I wanted a Note 4 which a couple of weeks ago were going for $100 on reactivation plans through Sprint, but they were all sold out.  Guy said I could go to Temple or a couple other small cities.  I figured I would bite the bullet and get the next generation.  I loved my Note 2, but all of a sudden this morning the memory card lost all its memory, and my alarm has been hit and miss, not sure if I don't hear it or it is not ringing.  I also hate having to send a text 3-4 times before it sends and this also seemed to be getting worse.  I was eligible for a new phone a couple months ago, but Boy got his phone "wet".  I told him that was his last phone from me.  He always has a good reason to upgrade before everybody else.
    I also got a new cover which is rubberized in case I drop it, and a selfie stick because "why not?"  This is kind of a stupid idea, but if we want to be in the picture with our loved ones, it's a necessary evil.  Even the selfie stick has Bluetooth technology to click and take the picture, not bad for $20.
    Since the phone is a Samsung product, I just walked over to the Samsung kiosk and the guy then moved all my contacts, and settings in two minutes, my pics took 25 minutes, because I got thousands of dirty and a couple of family pictures in there all mixed up.  Now I get to sit here and play with it, currently uploading Pinterest and Tumbler, and wherever else I tend to lurk in the dark.  If all goes well, this phone should last 2-3 years.  I'm curious as to what else the phones in 2 or 3 generations might be doing.

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