Thursday, October 15, 2015

10/15/15 The Boy That Cried Wolf Can Make A Dollar Or Two?

    I have been watching House, on Netflix and thought it a little coincidental.  I was reading last week in The Lucifer Principle about a priest who was trying to predict the end of the world, when he guessed wrong, he ended up gathering more followers.  The same story was brought up in this case with a woman who came in thinking she was going to die because the "death cat" had sat on her lap.
    Of course, House figured out why the cat was choosing the patients it did and explained it all to the patient.  She in turn still insisted that the cat gave him a clue, so in a sense "don't give science all the credit, magic cat still helped.  House kept calling her an idiot, but really, what else can she be?  Same with the growing throngs of people worshiping a man who is continuously wrong.  Why not look up and think for yourself for a second.  If the man had really predicted "end of days", then yeah, make him a saint or whatever, but if he is wrong, again and again, and again, ummm, smarten up.  This incident, in an interesting sidenote, was responsible for the creation of the Seventh Day Adventists, which still exist today.
    But if your faith is that strong, all the science in the world is not going to change how you think.  I guess the same is true in the other direction, if science can explain it, it's not superstitious.  But how much money do those churches keep bringing in?  And tax free to boot.
    With my brother in town, we are going to touch on some weird topics, he brought up Alex Jones.  It is good to hear him still working.  I bought into his schtick back in the early 90's.  He was working on conspiracy theories galore.  After a while, I had to stop watching, he was just too amped up, tone it down.  Twenty years later, he is still doing the same thing, there must be a profitable angle.  Nobody does something for half their life if it doesn't make them money some way.
    I personally think they are the same thing.  I will give you a message you want to hear, you will give me money.  That is pretty much how all religions work, not to mention stuff that lives on public access, somebody has to be supporting it with actual dollars.

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