Saturday, May 9, 2020

5/9/20 Looking For Meat?

    We got a little worried when we heard from our president and the lying media about how it is going to possibly get hard to find meat, with so many employees at meat processing plants getting sick with corona.  Wife went to work in La Pryor on Monday last week and luckily, she was told to come back home and that they will be starting to work this coming week.  On her way back up to the house, she stopped at the HEB in Kyle (they have a giant HEB out there right by the freeway), and found that just as the media hyped up the meat shortage, sure enough, there was hardly any meat left in the store.  This could become a problem, if we can't find our meat supply at HEB, then what are we going to do?  I can poke at Boy and Sweetie's vegetarian meals once a week or so, but I am not going to commit to eating rabbit food every day and night of the week.
    While we were brainstorming, I called my mom and we were discussing nothing in particular, just how our days had been going.  She mentioned the meat shortage too and how she wishes she had gotten a freezer like we did at the start of this.  I told her to order one, it's not like things are going to change in the next month or two.  While we were at it, Wife started messing around on her phone, we have talked about local meat markets, I had a coworker who routinely grew her own cows and then took them to a butcher in Lockhart, so the idea is not that wild.  Within minutes, she found a couple of different places here in Austin, although once she got on that, I was willing to go to Lockhart or Bastrop to keep the meat coming in.
    We decided on Longhorn Meat Market, they are here in town and according tot he website, they have been around for over 50 years.  What more do you want?  Buying local is what the col kids prefer, isn't it?  They seem to have all the normal stuff we eat, such as Texas angus ground beef ($6.50/lb), umm, prices just went up.  I am looking at the website and last week, the fajitas were $24.00 for 4 pounds, now they are at $39.00.  The ground beef was cheaper too.  Anyways, we got a "small home pack" for $130, now it is $135.  This included 2lbs of sirloin, ribeyes, T-bones, pork chops and bacon, along with 3lbs of ground beef and a whole chicken.  This is not cheaper, and it just got pricier, but if we can keep getting our meat and it is a better quality and fresher variety, this might work out, for us.
    We had some of the sausage mixed with eggs and it was very good, tasting mostly like beef, with very little pork mixed in.  It also had a darker look to it, which made me think it was beef.  We are going to grill the steaks (sirloin, T-bone and ribeyes) tomorrow for mother's day and see how good they are.  We've been spending between $300 and $600 every time we go to the grocery store and most of it has been for meat.  If we can take care of our meat needs this way, it will make the trips to HEB much less stressful, since they limit how many packs of meat one can get.  It's just nice knowing we have options.

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