Thursday, May 28, 2020

5/28/20 My Kids Are Seriously Off Cycle?

    I have always had a problem sleeping at night and operating during the day, like normal people because I have now been on night shift something like 24 years.  I don't complain and it is fine, except when it is time to get with other people, like my folks who are always surprised to find out that I do still work nights, so I might not want to be up in the morning on my day off.
    I wrote that to explain my part in this.  My kids, though, they do not work at Walmart stocking at night, or with the Austin Police Department where occasionally they are on nights.  Nah, my kids are just night owls, which they took to right away, since spring break for Javalina.  Boy was kind of taking a class, but he is in the middle of the end of the semester and starting classes for the summer which we have told him he has to do, he really needs to graduate soon.  But I digress, I got home last night fairly early, all the work was done and there was no reason for me to stay at work longer than about 10:00pm.  I got home, Wife did go to work this morning at 5:00am, but she had napped, so she sat with me while I ate some leftover chicken and tenders from the night before.
    After talking and saying goodnight, I told her I was staying downstairs because I like to watch TV at night even if I fall asleep and wake up all night long.  She needs the room to be black and quiet or she complains, so this works for us.  I probably slept about two hours between midnight and 5:00am when Javalina came to wake me so we could walk Wife out to her car.  While I was putting a shirt on, Boy and Sweetie also came down.  While Wife was getting a glass full of ice and water for her drive, Boy and Sweetie danced in the kitchen, they were talking about going to get morning tacos and donuts.  Javalina invited himself somehow, they usually don't take him, but this time he went.  So I walked Wife out and a minute later the boys left to go get tacos and donuts.  I waited about an hour and I know I dozed in and out so I thought the donuts might be there waiting, but nothing.  I would have gotten worried but I was too sleepy, so I went back to bed.  I then woke at almost 8:00am and the donuts and 1 taco were on the counter.  Boy came down to tell me I had two tacos for me, but I told him I ate the one taco.  He shook his head and said, it must have been Big Boy who ate your other taco.  It was fine, I wanted donuts.
    Javalina didn't come back down, but even as I am writing this at 10:00am, I hear noises upstairs, so I know either 1 or both of them are still up in their rooms.  It is a weird time in this age of corona, but every time I tell them to go to bed early, they ask me what for?  I don't have a good reason, I certainly don't want them up early being annoying, so I guess this works for right now.  I know that I have to go to bed soon, Wife gets out at 1:00-2:00pm, and she should be back around 5:00pm, so I need to be awake and look half interested in what she might have to say.

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