Sunday, May 3, 2020

5/3/20 I Don't Get Dogs?

    We grew up with dogs, I should be used to them and maybe feel a need for one.  But honestly, I can't get excited for them.  My childhood was ruined by all my asshole neighbors up and down the street.  Just about everyone had dogs and in our small shitty town and even today there still aren't any real rules.  If we (my siblings and/or me) tried walking home from school, there would be the greyhound looking dog that would chase you into a sprint.  It was not a greyhound, it wasn't big enough, but it had that shape, skinny, long snout, brownish/grey, and always just loose in the front yard.  If you got past that dog, there was the old lady who had like a 3ft fence, it wasn't as tall as our fence, maybe the fence was older, she was a little old lady.  She must have kept 4-5 fluffy type dogs, and they probably weren't aggressive in a "pitbull" way, they would bark at you from one end of the fence when they saw you and kept you company all barking and jumping over each other until you walked past their house.  Then there was the tiny dog who acted as an alarm for all the other dogs, luckily one house across the street and over one.  It might be to hot for the other dogs to mess around in the hot summer months, but this shitty dog would always come out to the street and go after you.  Now, as an adult, I realize I could have just punted this shitty excuse on 4 legs, but as a kid, it was all overwhelming.  We were only five houses in from the main street, and we always had 1 or 2 dogs ourselves.
    I just saw another video of a dog running at a man who happens to be an off duty officer and as the dog comes at him on his own property, he manages to shoot the dog running at him at about a foot away.  Does the owner say "are you alright?", or "I am so sorry, did my dog bite you?"  of course not.  He sings the same song of the dumb all dog owners sing, "Hey man, my dog doesn't bite."  "Why did you shoot him, he wasn't going to do anything?"  I can't stand these people.  First of all, take responsibility for what just happened.  If the dog got shot, it got loose from you or whoever you put in charge of tying him up.  That officer did not go looking for trouble on his own front lawn.  If he did, maybe the freaking dog had already attacked his wife or daughter and he went out there to take care of the problem.  If so, it didn't take long for the dog to do what poorly managed dogs do, run at a stranger and try to intimidate.  The only problem is this person was packing and willing to defend himself.  I say good, more dogs should get shot, since we can't shoot the owners.  I always just imagine a kid trying to fight off 80 pounds of muscular dog, while the dog goes for the neck on the poor kid.  All that happens afterward, is the dog gets put down and the owner walks away to get another dog, and the stupid cycle continues.

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