Saturday, May 2, 2020

5/2/20 Losing Weight Is Tricky?

    Wife tells me not to talk about stuff while it's ongoing that I only jinx myself, but I refuse to listen.  I kind of started dieting by listening to the guy that got me into the San Marcos Orchestra.  He is kind of a big stocky guy, not a big fat-ass like me, but I can tell he has had issues with weight.  That night we talked and the orchestra thing came up he also mentioned he had lost like 25 pounds recently just by giving up all forms of soda, even the diet ones.  At the time, I refused to listen because technically, if you look at a bottle of Diet Coke or Coke Zero, they say 0 calories.  In my head that means that it shouldn't affect my overall weight, but I guess that isn't the way things work.
    After noticing I was putting on even more weight, probably because we have been locked up in the house with only the TV and eating to occupy our times.  I had avoided looking a the scale, but sometime last week I figured it was time to see what was going on.  I was up to 437 or so.  It kind of scared me, specially because Corona hasn't been kind to old people and fat fuckers.  I then decided that I could at least try cutting out sodas to see what would happen.  The first two days I noticed I was down about two pounds.  Although the scale is digital, it doesn't like to stop on any one number, it just bounces, so I couldn't definitely say yeah, I weigh 437 or whatever.  After the two days it was bouncing between 435 and 436, then the next day it was 434 and 435.  Yesterday, I was down to 424-425, so it means I am losing weight and it is starting to add up.
    This is part of what motivated me, I got up at 8:00am, I was active all day, I mean sweating active, in the garage cleaning in the heat, cutting palms over my head with the lopers, and ending with an actual workout for my chest and arms.  Honestly, I had one glass of sugar free tea at around 2:00pm.  Since I had drank like 6 glasses of those quart size glasses, I figured I was good, water wise.  Normally, I like to weigh myself in the morning, that is when we are our lightest, but because of our weird schedules, I have been weighing myself at night.  Get this, tonight, I weighed back up to 430 pounds.  Like I gained back 6-7 pounds or something.  About half of what I had lost.  I was all proud because for lunch I cooked one of those Red Baron pizzas and instead of eating it myself, I gave almost half to Wife and Javalina.  Then we had burgers, which we eat normally on bread and a piece of cheese, nothing wild.  I had a handful of Funyons with my burgers, not too many.  I probably drank two glasses of the quart size glass of water.
    Wife says to give it a day and I know I might just be water logged, but damn it, nothing is more of a downer than to be trying hard and to get kicked in the 'nads like that by the scale.  I know, we aren't supposed to weigh ourselves every day, but the scale keeps me honest.  If I don't weigh myself, pretty soon one day becomes two, then three then I stop doing it altogether.  I'll see where I am tomorrow, but I am pissed right now.  All I can think of is that glass of tea really fucked me over.

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