Thursday, January 30, 2020

1/30/20 Boy Keeps Developing Other Talents?

    While Javalina keeps trying to be the strongest boy in central Texas, Boy keeps picking up skills he learns online.  His newest hobby surprised me.  Over the Christmas break, he asked us to hook him up with the basic tools for working with leather.  I was all "What?" "why?"  He then showed me this mostly ASMR "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response" video where the person hardly talks and instead you get to enjoy the sounds made while cutting leather, shaping it, drawing on it, sewing on it, in slow motion, and every other aspect of making leather goods.  Basically, he said he was going to learn to work leather and make stuff to sell alongside his 3D printers.
    Fast forward to this past weekend and he showed up with a load from the Tandy Leather store (it helps that they opened this store that sells all this stuff like a mile from the house).  He then spent the weekend since Sweetie worked weird hours Saturday and Sunday, she had to be in to work like at 5:00am and work until like 2:00pm.  This meant she went to bed early Friday and Saturday, so there he was, like an old leather crafter of a bygone era.
    I find this almost surreal in that he has taken over the guest room upstairs with now three 3D printers set up in various tables (they have a fourth if they ever clean up the one Girlie's BF manhandled), they bought a new one over the Christmas break at a price of like $1500.  He said they used money made from the products they had made from selling stuff they made, so the beast is feeding itself.  But the funny part is he is all high tech with the printers and then he is sitting on his table with a piece of leather strap he is turning into a belt with red stitching all the way around.  I am guessing if he is successful with this, he will try making a tablet protector which he was looking at a video of.
    I love that instead of worrying about the boy out drinking or doing other stupid shit, he spends his weekends trying to learn new crafts.  They seem to be endless on YouTube, he has had me looking at videos on my own.  I have been looking at cobblers taking apart expensive old worn shoes to replace the bottoms and after a shine and some care, the shoes end up looking almost brand new.  I saw a guy pick up a couple of worn out ugly leather bags for like $20 a piece and he turned them into the beauties they once were by cleaning and treating the leather with some chemicals.  Boy is at thrift stores all the time, I am sure he will try to look for old bags and bring them back to life, he already has a love for bags, these videos just help him see the beauty in an old ugly one, perchance.
    They might need warehouse space just to keep up with their hobbies.  I was looking at the cost of warehouse space for his printers if they ever get going, but maybe he just needs space so his hobbies can keep growing.

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