Tuesday, January 21, 2020

1/20/20 Shopping For My Fat Ass?

    As I said at the end of the blog yesterday, I was in real need of some new clothes.  I have been wearing this jean shorts which were stretched perfectly and fit just right, but I think the chemicals at work finally ate them up.  On both sides where my hands come and meet, the shorts just formed two holes, they just gave out.  I've kept wearing them because I work mostly alone and I put on a lab coat as soon as I get to my lab room, but the tears just keep getting bigger and bigger.
    I told Wife since we were supposed to be home before 5:00 or 6:00pm yesterday, that drug on, as usual, but we still made it to San Marcos by 8:00pm, that I wanted to stop at the Big and Tall store, Casual Male XL, I think it's called.  I fell asleep as soon as we took off, but Wife woke me in the parking lot.  It didn't look right, but Wife said it was the right place.  There was no Casual Male store, but there was an empty store about where I thought it should be.  I walked into the next store over and asked if the Big and Tall store had closed and the jackass pointed to the wall in the back where they had like 3 different shirts for Azod or some brand, but no shorts or pants.  As we were walking out, Wife asked the other clerk about the Big and Tall store and she said it was in the other section further down.  That whole shopping complex is a mess, from above it looks like a giant 3 and we needed to be in the middle part, not on the last swing of stores.
    Anyways, we found it and parked in front of it.  Wife and the boys ran to the Disney store a few stores down and that left me with a chance to shop on my own.  For once, I had a bunch of choices to pick from.  I freaking loved that finally they had the right guy there.  Last time, it was a chick, and fine I like women to help me, but not when dealing with my fat ass.  This was a husky guy and I didn't feel any embarrassment dealing with him.  He was even telling me his latest attempt to lose weight was giving up sodas and sticking to water, saying that alone helped him lose 26 pounds in a month and a half.  We kept talking as I went back and forth to the changing room.  Wife finally came in some twenty minutes later and she agreed that certain shorts looked better than others.
    I managed to find like 5 new shorts to wear.  I wanted some pants, but I tried on a couple and I just can't get into wearing the pants under my gut, which is the style today.  It's like there isn't enough material to pull them up where pants traditionally go, right at the belly button without splitting the boys down below which just looks wrong, but I also can't wear the pants below my gut to save the balls as it feels like the pants are going to fall off and my gut is exposed.
    While I was making my selection, Wife and the store guy were talking and we learned perhaps the best little gem of knowledge I needed to hear.  There are orchestras all around and they would love people like us to join.  This got us talking and we exchanged e-mails and phone numbers.  We will see where this goes.

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