Tuesday, January 14, 2020

1/14/20 Nasty Sty Or Pink Eye?

    Apparently, somebody farted bare ass on my pillow, or that is what that one movie with Seth Rogan and his buddies, Knocked Up taught me.  Either way, I woke up Saturday morning with a heavy eyelid and I look like a monster right about now.  I usually look like shit, like I don't get enough sleep, this definitely doesn't help anyone.
    I could go to the minute clinic, but like Wife said, that lady will only end up sending me to the emergency room again, so I am just gonna wait it out.  I know I am supposed to put warm compresses, but who has the time, plus we don't really get hot water coming out at our sink upstairs.  So, what to do?  I mean is it really anything to worry about?  It looks gross, but it amounts to being some clogged tear ducts, they'll clear up in a couple days and I'll go back to normal.
    I dealt with it while I went to get Wife's tire changed.  I left my hoodie on to try and hide my face from most of the people.  The one service guy I had to talk to, we mostly talked while walking to and from the car, so we didn't spend time looking at each other face to face, so it was good.  I then sat away from everybody and buried myself in a magazine before falling asleep.
    It was another story at my in-law's as everyone saw it and reacted to it.  Wife's cousin said it best "it's your eye this time?"  "It's always something falling apart with you lately."  I laughed and said "I told Wife to trade me in a couple years ago, now she's stuck with a clunker.  She is definitely upside down now with my value."  I thought it was funny.
    I told Wife today that it is bad enough I always want to fall asleep, but this heavy eyelid just makes me want to close my eye.  This morning again when I went to change the oil in my Excursion, I had to sit there and avoid eye contact with all the other dudes sitting there.  It's a good thing it was mostly crusty old dudes who don't look like they want to chit chat, they just want to get their oil changed and leave.
    Sweetie said she had a pink eye early in the week, so maybe if they are contagious she gave it to me somehow.  Anyways, it doesn't hurt or anything, well it itches a bit, I want to get in there and just scratch it like a mad man.  Maybe it is time for a warm compress, we are going on day three.

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