Wednesday, January 15, 2020

1/15/20 Maxwell Ford Did Me Dirty?

    I have been getting a ton of notices from Maxwell Ford.  I have opted out, but I believe everything is connected today and I do keep going back to their website to look at different vehicles.  By connected, I mean have you noticed that if you start talking about something, the commercials and ads next to the articles you are reading suddenly relate to whatever you are shopping for?  We frequently talk about 3D printers here with Boy and we even pull some up to look at their specs and before you know it, those are the commercials we see on YouTube and the ads alongside Google stories.
    Well, Ford has been telling me for about a year that they are now open on Sundays to service your vehicle.  I thought cool, but my vehicle does not need servicing all the time.  If it did, I would get rid of it.  But after wasting a couple hours yesterday changing out the flat tire on Wife's car, I thought I would try going in on Sunday and get my oil and filter changed, along with maybe my radiator fluid.
    I got up later than usual, at 9:30am but everyone was still asleep but I decided, I should go and deal with my old oil.  When I got to Ford, it looked kind of dead and maybe there were 3 guys working.  I was quickly told that they only take work by appointment, so I was screwed.  I figured Jiffy Lube would be open by this time, if they are open on Sunday.  I went to the closest Jiffy Lube to the Ford place and that is the one on Stassney Road, in front of the Lowe's.  There weren't even that many cars, only one in front of my car in the first bay.
    It still took over an hour, but they did the work.  I was bothered by the guy telling me the dipstick was not seeing oil in my engine, it had run a tad low.  They also have a new machine which I didn't like the looks initially.  I asked the technician what was going on and he said they no longer take the screw out at the bottom of the engine, they suck it out this way.  This way, they can't be sued for not putting the screw back on properly and it falling out.  I had exceeded my miles by a few hundred, but I wtill don't know why I was reading so low that the dipstick didn't even touch the oil.
    The guy said there was plenty of oil in there after, which made me feel a little better.  I also agreed with them to change the air filter, it was looking pretty dark and worn.  My next oil change is at 182,500 miles.  I am getting pretty close to putting 200,000 miles on my first true vehicle.
    At this point, there was nothing left to do but get back in bed.  I talked to Wife about grilling some meat and then fell asleep until 4:00pm.  I got up, we went to Sam's and got some meats to grill and that is how we ended the night.  It had been awhile but we grilled some sausages, burgers and some sirloin steaks.  Everything just tastes better when it comes off the grill and we should have some meat for at least a couple days.

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