Monday, January 13, 2020

1/13/20 Celebrating My Sister In-Law's 50th Birthday?

    I kind of hate the start of the year because there are too many birthdays going around.  Wife was saying there are something like 6 birthdays in the two families in January.  I can't keep track of all these and usually we just go to the one or two parties of whoever makes the loudest noise.  I have learned that I can't attend all the parties, so we d the best we can.  Last year, we had a mega blow out celebrating my niece's quinceanera (15th) birthday.  In Hispanic families, I believe 15 marks when the female is introduced to the city and finally allowed to date or be a grown up or something along those lines.  It was a huge expense, especially for the parents, but even for the family as we all helped out.
    This year, I was hoping to just stay low key and just avoid parties that are going to cost me $1000 dollars.  So far, so good.  Wife's older sister turned 50 on Saturday and we had already gotten a heads up on New Year's that she wanted us to be there.  Considering it was just going to be a meal at my in-law's house with some cake and other sweets, it seemed right up my alley.  I don't know if she was selling the birthday event, but my sister in law had a mini break down on New Year's I guess about turning 50.  I mean, I'm two years away yet I don't feel like I am going to be sad or tearing up about the event.
    Truth be told, I felt that way when I turned 23 or 24 and because I was married and had a kid, I had to realize I was not going to become a doctor or whatever grand visions I had for myself in high school.  I guess one cries a little when their dreams die, not sure if that was what was going on with my sister in law, but that is the best that I can relate.
    Still, I got up super early to go take care of the low tire she had which turned out to be a nail in her tire, came back and slept until about 1:30pm, then Wife woke me to get ready.  My sleep gets all messed up during the weekends and I rarely want to get up at the proper times when everyone else does.  I went ahead and showered and got dressed knowing that as soon as I got in the car, I could go to sleep.  Wife even pulled out a little blanket so I could cover my legs up and next thing I know we arrive.  The brisket and sausage was good, as always, my brother in law loves smoking briskets, and he has gotten good at it.
    I managed to stay awake far longer than normal and everyone had a good time.  We sat at the table and joked around and then took pictures with some props, by around 6:00pm, I got sleepy and found a sofa and slept until Wife said it was time to go.  So far, I have wanted to stay busy on the weekends and do stuff, preferably stuff that leads us outside and possibly fishing, but this weekend just did not pan out that way.  We still managed to bring a bunch of cake which I just finished as I was writing this at midnight on Sunday night, and some brisket and stuff.  I will probably eat that tomorrow when I wake up.

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