Sunday, January 19, 2020

1/19/20 Last Visit To My In-Law's For A While?

    I really hate the start of the year, there are too many birthdays on both sides of the family.  I guess my side has given up on me as I have yet to hear of any invitations this year, but Wife has been steadily getting it from her family.  There was another party yesterday and Wife flatly told me if you don't want to come then stay home and I will go and be back by 5:00pm.  With that, I guess she put it on me, and I don't like being addressed that way, but if I don't go, then we don't really spend any time together on the weekend.  Plus, it amounts to a buffet of good food and since they prefer to make everything at home, it is usually free, and we get to bring a bunch of stuff home, so win win for me.
    The plan was to leave by noon, so I was up as usual all night, not doing much productively, I just live like a vampire.  I then wanted to sleep at 9:00am but I only got to sleep until 10:30am or so.  I fell asleep watching TV downstairs while attempting to wash all our dirty clothes for the week.  I went upstairs at 6:00am, tossed and turned, and only slept a couple hours.  I managed to get myself showered and ready to go, then even though Javalina knew what time, he was busy goofing off with his buddies working out, then we had to wait for them to shower.  We still managed to get in the car by 12:20 and we were just about to get going when Wife's sister called that the food was not going to be ready until 4:00pm because she got up late.  I told her "that is perfect, we can go to Bass Pro Shops and you won't have any reason to rush me."  She had also thrown in the "come with me and I'll take you to Bass Pro Shops."  She tried getting out of it as I said "Nope, we got time, and I don't want you and chunky ham to rush me like you all tend to."  I knew I wasn't going to buy anything but I still enjoy looking around.
    We left after a good hour of walking around in there. Javalina was already getting fussy that he was hungry, that boy needs to eat every couple hours.  Wife bought him and his friends some fudge there which shut him up.  As soon as we walked in the door, my sister-in-law gave me a bowl of meat and bacon.  She said she barely caught her son almost finishing it, but she wanted me to taste it.  It tasted like steak pieces in a gravy with bacon pieces, very good, but it was deer meat from my nephew's first deer kill, backstrap, she said.  I really thought it was cow.  As good as that was, there were fajitas, mollejas, sausage, chicken fajitas, refried beans, rice and beans and a bunch of guacamole with chips, prety much a Mexican feast.  I ate until my eyes got sleepy and I excused myself to sleep for an hour.  I got up in time to eat cake, and then get going.
    We timed it just right, it seems, I wanted to stop in San Marcos at the outlet to shop for some shorts or pants, I was really down to one good short and that is not Bueno.  I hate wearing warm-ups unless I can justify it by the weather being really cold.  Tis winter has not really been cold, we've only had a couple nights even touching the 30's.

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