Saturday, January 11, 2020

1/11/20 Men and Women Hear Differently?

    I love watching fan reactions to songs I like.  This is even more so with Lil Dicky who I think has the most clever song lyrics around.  He does these "freestyles" when he goes for interviews at different radio stations and the end result is kind of a sing songy rap with usually very clever lines with double and even triple entendres.  This week, I started following a new gal doing reaction videos mostly because she is attractive and sounded smart, but then I noticed her reactions were very different than what I was expecting.
    There is this one particular freestyle that everyone that listens to it considers it the best of 2019, it is just one clever line after another and most people will miss a line here or there when doing the initial listen, but some of the lines are so over the top, most male listeners stop the song to comment or laugh or you at least see a big smile as a proper reaction.
    With her though, and it was the very first time she was listening to him at all, but like others said in her comments, all the clever puns and word uses were completely missed by her.  This reminded me of Wife having the same reaction.  I was so excited to get someone to listen to it that I played it for Wife, but all she gets is a headache because he uses too many words and then she gets turned off because he uses a couple of swear words.  This is Wife, she doesn't get offended by anything, she grew up listening to heavy metal more than me, my potty mouth has never bothered her, but I don't think she can process the singing and the word play and the comedy of it all at the same time.  My mom was worse, when she comes to visit, usually while we are sitting at the table drinking coffee I'll show her a video or two of whatever I may have found lately that is amusing to me, but she could not take the tempo of the words coming out of his mouth.  She claimed that he was just yelling words together and it made no sense.
    So maybe it is a thing, a male coworker who I was afraid might be offended by whatever music I was playing one morning told me "nah, I can't decipher lyrics, I just hear the beat."  I find that weird to understand, but I guess it makes sense why some people hate music and only listen to talk radio or turn off the radio altogether.
    Maybe that is why heavy metal was a mostly male thing back in the 80s.  Those songs would take you on a journey and tell you a tale, at least stuff like Metallica's music or Led Zeppelin's did, or any other creative band.  Pop music is much easier to decipher and mostly sticks to cheery ideas of love and hope with a ton of repetition of their little ideas.  I am not trying to be a dick (this time) and say men are better or more deep (because usually women are the ones that catch nuance and stuff like that), but it does appear that at least on a first pass, we are looking for different things in an experience.  I like to find that nugget of humor or purpose to the song.  If you are not laughing with something that is obviously hilarious, then I am confused and really wondering as to what you are focused on.  That reviewer girl simply came out of that song from Lil Dicky saying "I can tell that he went to University, and I can tell tat he has mastered his craft."  Great, but that didn't tell me that she got the song or not.

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