Thursday, January 23, 2020

1/21/20 SMART Symphony?

    Buying some new clothes might have possibly sent me down the rabbit hole I should have found many years ago.  The guy working there is the president of the SMART symphony.  SMART stands for San Marcos Artists' Retention and Training, but ultimately it is a group that plays orchestra music and he said we would be the perfect type of people to join.  Wife was making small talk and mentioned that we met in band and that our son had followed in my footsteps playing the bari sax and she ad played baritone.  I know Wife is too busy being a ballbuster at work to join, but she quickly told the guy I would probably love it.
    Once I stopped trying on clothes and I could focus on what he was saying, I got all excited.  He says since everyone has busy schedules, they only practice on Sundays, when they do practice.  Concerts are like four times a year and again only on Sundays.  He said he had been playing with orchestras like this for about nine years.  He was playing with one from Bastrop before finding the one in San Marcos.  He was especially proud that since he was made president, he got the group a $12 thousand dollar grant which saves the members from paying dues, so if I was interested it would be free.
    I do have to get access to a saxophone.  This is where I wish I had kept paying for Javalina's alto sax a couple years ago.  It was basically brand new since he had transferred to Bari Sax.  If I get really involved I might consider buying a bari sax, but new and good quality, those beasts cost around $6,000.  I can get a new saxophone for $2500.  I could also claim to "need" a professional quality and then proceed to spend up to $20,000.  Things like this get crazy fast.  For now, the best thing would be to find a used one on Craigslist or something like that for a couple hundred bucks.
    I am not going to lie, I am excited at the thought.  Even more so, the guy mentioned there was a father daughter combo playing cello.  I would love to get Javalina playing with me, I told him what he thought and Wife said the world is not ready for double baris from you two.  He and his ego was trying to tell me how he would outplay me without trying to which Wife surprisingly stood up for me saying something like "your dad was really good, you're going to have to work real hard to keep up litle boy."
    The guy gave me his e-mail and I e-mailed him from my phone which he said he would add me to the distribution list so I could take a look at the new sheet music.  He said he also composed and arranged music for quartets and other small groups.  This genuinely got me excited, and maybe I need it.  I haven't had anything that I do, for me, in quite a while.  Wife has her classes, Boy has his school, Javalina is busy with school and becoming Mr. Strong Guy.  I am at a point where work requires no thinking, nothing really challenges me on a day to day basis, maybe this is why I am always sleepy.  Maybe having something to look forward to will give me life again.  We shall see.

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