Friday, January 24, 2020

1/24/20 Loratadine Is A Game Changer?

    I have finally found something that helps me daily.  They say that the longer you live in Austin, the more likelihood you will develop allergies to cedar and other things.  I remember when I moved here I was not allergic to anything, I even remember playing disk golf and hitting the trees with my disk and huge clouds of pollen would fall out and I wouldn't have a reaction to it.  Fast forward 10-15 years and man, my nose never dries up.  I swear it is so bad and continuous that even when I am dreaming and fixing to have a sex dream I have to stop and find something to blow my nose (yes, honestly, in my dreams I run around all snotty).  
    I also have this bad attack of sneezing, this time of year, where I will sneeze up to around 10 sneezes in a row.  It is especially hard when I am trying to drive to stay focused on the road.  I can sit here in the morning and blow my nose and two minutes later blow my nose again, and then again and again.  I figure there must be a finite amount of nasal drip, but then again, I might be filled in all my sinuses and nostril and wherever else it sits.
    So on Monday I was at about my wits end, I have been taking allergy relief pills, generic from HEB.  The bottle says Diphenhydramine HCL 25mg Antihistamine.  Wife would give me up to two and was part of the reason I walk around drowsy all the time.  Javalina and I went to Target and before we left, I stopped over in the allergy pill section and I was trying to find something different, I have tried Claritin pills before and not noticed anything, the HEB stuff is comparable to Benadryl Allergy Ultratabs, so I wasn't sure what to get.  I was explaining to Javalina what my symptoms were and to chill and give me a chance to look, but when the Chubbs is hungry, he only cares about himself.  He grabbed the Loratadine, which turns out to be the generic Claritin and threw it in the basket.  He had grabbed the 10-20 pill bottle and I decided it was cheaper/better to buy the 70 pill bottle at like $13.
    I took one and almost instantly, my nose stopped running, and I didn't sneeze while getting ready for work.  I don't know if it is related, but even my peeing seems excessive where I am going every 2-3 hours and after I took a pill, I made it from when I got to work until I came home without going to the bathroom, at 2:00am, about 6 hours.  I then went back and made it until I got home without going.  I slept like a baby, again, I've been getting up every two hours on the dot, and yet I slept 4 hours, from 10:00am until 2:00pm, got up and peed, then woke up at 4:30pm, when I needed to get up to pick up Javalina.
    I am still blowing my nose, once in a while, but I am not doing it constantly.  I don't know if it is helping me with my sleep, but I did feel better Tuesday and Wednesday, even with only 6-7hours sleep than I usually feel.  I am going to keep taking this magic little pill for awhile, I am liking how I feel.

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