Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11/5/19 Daylight Savings Time?

    Why are we still acting like moving the time back for the 10 farmers is necessary?  At least this is the nice one, where it feels like we gained an hour.  Really, the only thing I really like about this DST idea is that it indicates that we are now in cooler weather.  It has been all sorts of great to not have to run the A/C for the last two weeks or so.
    Yesterday, Javalina and I were eating at Bill Miller and he was looking outside and said something about it being dark already.  I said "yeah, get ready for shorter days."  It's bad enough that the days are shorter, moving it just makes it seem darker earlier.  I still don't understand how this helps farmers.  Do they strictly work by the clock?  Can they only go out in the fields between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm?  If I was a farmer working for myself, I would be out there regardless of what the clock said.  If I could see, work would be getting done and you keep going until sun down, not when the clock strikes 3:00 or whatever.
    The worst part is that once we get used to this idea of changed time, spring rolls around and we just go back to the other way.  I wish we had the balls that those few places around the country have done and say no.  Shit, Hawaii and Arizona have both thrown the proverbial finger at the Daylight Savings Time idea.  They do not observe the change.  There are also other US territories like Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands that also do not follow the DST.  They haven't burst into flame, we should try it and see what happens.  I know I have "bitched" about this before, so I will keep it short.

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