Tuesday, November 19, 2019

11/19/19 Javalina, The Muse?

    It turns out that Javalina is not only really into his idea of being a supreme athlete, but he might be a little contagious as he tells me.  One of his close friends from Kinder has not played football, but has expressed an interest in learning the ins and outs of working out.  I thought it was a bit funny that other kids see Javalina as an expert when I see him as a novice and one who doesn't listen very well.
    In fact, it probably made my day last week when he was telling me after trying to explain why you do certain things a certain way to his friend that is looking for assistance in weight training.  He said "all of a sudden I felt like how you must feel when you keep telling me over and over and I am trying to do it my own way, not really listening."  It is very annoying, I don't know how you can put up with me.  I just tell him I keep telling myself "you are an immature child, give him space and teach him bit by bit."  He doesn't like it, but he gets it a little better now.
    His friend said he is more interested in boxing and karate, but he thinks that he is fat, but he is not.  The kid is an inch or two taller than Javalina but only weighs 180 pounds.  Javalina is a beefy 223 pounds, but he carries it well.  Javalina has goals for next year, based on football.  He wants to be squatting like 300 pounds and benching at least 225 pounds.  All the other stuff is just dressing in the big scheme of things.  His friend is more looking to show off six pack of abs.  I told Javalina, his frined needs to focus on sit-ups and crunches, along with running for endurance.  I am not sure if he just wants a boxer's physique or if he really wants to learn how to fight.  I tell Javalina to tell the kid to start coming over so he can work out with my boy on the weights and the punching bag.
    Javalina mentioned I used to lift weights and was up in the 300 pound range on the bench press and the kid now has it in his head that I am going to make fun of him.  That is not how it works, there might be some teasing, but it is all in good fun, and he must learn that everyone is on their own path.  You can't expect to look exactly like your friend because you do the same exercises.  All body types are vastly different.

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