Saturday, November 16, 2019

11/16/19 Celebrating Early?

    Boy gave me the best news yesterday, when he casually mentioned that he had just gotten his offer letter at work.  I asked him if this was his invitation to become a permanent employee and he said yes.  I congratulated him, shook his hand and hugged him.  I have been worried about him because his degree is within reach, yet obstacles keep getting in the way.  A couple weeks ago he mentioned he was not able to get into that last class he needed next semester, so now he can't graduate until the next semester, which means another year of waiting.  This was unsettling to me.
    I guess his workplace is happy enough with his progress that even with the one class short, which they will allow him the time to take the class when he needs to without having to make the time up, they still see enough value that they offered him a very competitive salary.  I don't want to divulge his salary, but he is on par with both Wife and I, starting in January.  He will also have free insurance, 401k, and work will keep paying for his parking pass, which Sweetie mentioned costs them $400 a month since it is downtown, I thought it was that much for the year, wow!
    I am so proud of Mijo, he has had to work hard to overcome his dyslexia, which we have never let him use as a crutch from life, but man, his writing can be atrocious.  Somehow or other, he has found a way to make it work.  The one man at his work who gave him a hard time about it, actually told him he wouldn't work out in the programming field because of his dyslexia, was reprimanded at the time and has now been let go.  I say good, let the old dinosaur go suck it at home.
    This brings up the conversation I was having at work with Monster Energy Drink, who thinks the world is ending and the US is fucked.  I think it is dependent on what population you are looking at.  Boy is hanging out with a bunch of successful engineer types who all seem to be making crazy salaries, some are getting paid as much as $120 an hour.  I assure you,  Boy is not, or I would be charging him rent from the get go.  Still, with his salary approaching ours, he will have to help out a bit around here.  He said because he is with a start-up his salary is smaller than if he was with an intel or other big company where some of his friends are starting out in the $120k-$140k range.
    I told him not to worry about that right now.  This company has been good to you, show them a little appreciation, you can always take a promotion to a larger company later.  Keep learning anything and everything you can from the smart people around you.  Plus, I don't know if it is just this company because it is a start-up, but the flexibility they have makes me nervous.  He is never in a rush in the morning, gets to work when he feels like it.  I am always waking him up in the morning and he just says not to worry, he is going in at 9 or 10, or sometimes noon.  He'll also casually drop in that he is doing some 3D printing for them, so he is technically on the clock, as he lays in bed.  I guess this is a part of the new generation, I am still used to being a slave to the clock, but if it works for him then great.  I am just happy he found his niche and he gets to do something he likes and gets paid to do it.

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