Sunday, November 3, 2019

11/2/19 Dead Saturday?

    I never got around to writing anything yesterday, I just had no energy for it.  I don't think I even played around with the computer all day.  Wife was in class until about 5:00pm, and Boy took off with Sweetie about 1:00pm, after they got up and showered.  Javalina and I were almost in a state of hungover from the last couple of days.  I washed some clothes, made some chili for lunch and worked on our room.
    I had set up the first of the IKEA closet things in a corner where we already have a lot of clutter, but I figured it wouldn't work there to put both, unless they overlapped one another.  I toyed with this idea in my head and when we went back I noticed they did a similar thing in one of their displays, where half of the box of one was hid by the other and thus only one door was needed to access that closet, the space where the other door would cover was permanently covered by the other unit in a 90 degree position.  This could have worked but we also have a file cabinet there and a big piece of furniture that I wouldn't know where else to put.
    The other option was to put the two closets between the windows on the opposite side of the bedroom.  I measured a few times and the units would have a snug fit between the windows and their curtains and poles.  Sure enough, when I set up the second closet, I had to push and force it into place, but it all worked out great.  The hardest part to going this route was that I had built one of the closets a couple weeks ago and filled it with most everything we could call clutter in our bedroom and to move it meant taking everything out.  I finally rolled my eyes, and went at it.  I knew I would be much happier for the effort and in the end, it looked better, so I am glad I did it, but it was still a pain in the butt.
    Javalina was a little helpful in helping me pull the unit across the room, but otherwise, I have let him rest.  He had his friends over and they were up late, plus I was a little worried about his calf muscle and he has reacted more this week to my pokings and proddings that his body is sore.  I am glad we are at the end of the football season, because he has a lot of bruises and I know he is tired of the routine.  It does not help to be 1-9 or whatever the number of losses.
    I tell him that it sucks that he is finally conditioned well enough to play both sides of the ball all game long as the season winds down.  Now he'll just get lazy and at least mend his bruises, but I wish he would continue with wrestling or basketball or whatever other midseason sport goes on.  But at least for this Saturday, I was ok with seeing him sleeping/napping the day away.  We spent way too much time last weekend getting him caught up on math and it just felt nice not having to mess around with any thinking stuff.

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