Monday, November 11, 2019

11/11/19 Wife Strikes Me As A Little Like Mama From Waterboy?

    Wife has had trouble connecting with her Supervisor, which is tough because she is essentially the number two person on campus and he doesn't quite drop what he is doing when Wife talks.  She still has so much energy and drive that she accomplishes despite his best efforts to just repeat his mantra of "stay the course."
    Part of the reason they don't see eye to eye is that he was a coach in his past life before becoming the boss man and to him, football is life.  Wife, when she talks about work, seems like the mom from Waterboy in that she has to start with the sentence "I don't care about your foosball, test scores and compliance are all that matters."  Wife refuses to dance with the best interests of a small town and I think that is something she really needs to learn.
    Recently, she finally got his interest when she brought up to him the topic of high school wrestling, saying our boy is considering joining the team and even his defensive football coach wants him to go give it a shot.  He actually put his phone down and got animated and was all interested in knowing that a kid is participating in a sport that is not common everywhere.  I couldn't resist making the joke to Wife "after you got him interested, how long were you able to go before your brain just squawked "COMPLIANCE!" like a chicken?"  That one made her laugh pretty good.
    She then had a second good convo about Dripping Springs.  She said he agreed with what I wrote in my other blog considering the game after she was telling him my two cents.  They are a group of bullies and miscreants and the coaches don't seem interested in playing a clean game.  Whenever he went against them, they would step on players who were down on the ground, which sounded like Javalina getting his hand stepped on.  He showed me his thumb all red and patterned like a cleat on it that night.  He said after a play, he went to get up and he was numb from the cold, but he was stuck to the ground and he pays attention and a guy is standing on his hand.  What the shit is this behavior?  I just found it to be very low class.
    On the one hand, I agree with Wife, football and extracurricular activities are not everything.  On the other hand, a small town like where she is at is not developing brain surgeons or engineers or even lawyers.  It is a small town and for the most part, people are going to stay there and find a role in said small town life.  A few teachers, a few business people, some farmers and ranchers, and the community will carry on.  I think there is space for football on a small town's plate, more so than in a big city where even the parents don't seem to have the time or interest to go see their own kids playing.  A small community can come together and for us in Texas, nothing seems more important than what happens under those Friday night lights.  Some come for the love of the game, to cheer for their home grown warriors, some come for the pageantry of the cheerleaders, to cheer on the cheerers, others even come for the band which provides a living breathing atmosphere to make what is happening on the field just a little more exciting.

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