Thursday, November 21, 2019

11/21/19 Javalina's Birthday Is Tomorrow?

    Javalina is so hard to buy stuff for.  He is almost an opposite of Boy.  Boy just needs to hear that I am going to buy him something and he will add to the list before I ask him.  Javalina would rather we save the money and not make a fuss, other than having whatever video games to keep up with his friends.  He managed to make a list of some video games he would like, but it is only 4-5 games and by the time both grandparents pick out a game or two, the list will be down to maybe a game.
    He came up with a radical idea last weekend, with our thinking of going back to Florida and the Disney parks this summer, he would like for us to take his not one, but three friends.  We told him that was a bit much, then he started his dancing around that he would give us all his money we have in the closet to them their park tickets.  There is that cost, but also fitting three extra boys in our car would be a stretch, specially since we are thinking of getting a new vehicle, possibly before the trip.  It wouldn't be a big problem if I end up getting a new Expedition, but like I keep saying, fully loaded they are in the upper $60,000s, and Wife really wants to live a minimalist lifestyle.  We will discuss that one I am sure much more before we get there.
    I did go ahead and order him (or us) a body protector, so he can practice punching (me) in the body.  I found a video on YouTube and it even withstands blows from a baseball bat and the wearer seems immune to the hits.  This is something we were considering buying a year ago, but forgot when we went to the store because it is a product that must be ordered and not kept at Dick's Sporting Goods.  He is more interested in the boxing aspect since his newest protégé started asking for advice on working out.  One of the boys he wants to take to Florida is wanting to get into fitness and more specifically boxing, so Javalina has been giving him pointers and this gadget could be helpful so they could practice punching and working on combinations and stamina.  It is hard work punching someone for three minutes at a time, like boxers do.
    It is scary easy ordering stuff online, I can see how Boy has become slowly addicted to it.  I wanted to keep shopping and getting stuff, but I couldn't think of anything else to buy.  I just want this night to finish so I can start my week off.  My folks will be here the first few days, so that should be nice.  Wife comes in tonight and ends her week Friday in San Antonio for a bit.  We will be a happy together family for a week.  Sweetie was going to kidnap Boy for Thanksgiving, but now said her family is going out of town and the two of them will join us, so that is more goodness.

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