Sunday, October 6, 2019

10/5/19 Selling Our Land By The Lake?

    It only took one asshole move, but I quickly lost my attraction for a piece of quiet paradise near Canyon Lake.  After whoever dumped that load of trash on our site and then seemed to do it again within the same week time period, I figured it was time to go.  I thought my brother in law or even grandfather would want to keep the land, but they were ready to sell as soon as I brought it up.  I  had talked to Wife that I was willing to just let them buy me out for the original cost which was 1/3/ the price of $7,000.  Surprisingly, the minute I brought it up, they were also ready to sell, so we had a small meeting between the three of us and we decided we would put it on the market for about $15,000.  I was glad I kept my mouth shut, because if I went along with this, I could perhaps double my money, and I never come out on top on a deal.
    Within a few days, my brother in law said he had talked to a guy who was an interested buyer and since he had come to us, we didn't need to pay a realtor or anybody else anything.  I don't think we even put an advertisement out.  The guy is actually the neighbor in the property behind the property, so that is someone who can keep an eye out on things.  The only thing was that he came in offering $14,000, which I said "take it!" right away, I just want out before more trash got dumped there.
    The great thing about this is the guy was also interested in buying the RV, and since I really didn't want it anymore, I was only too glad to sell it.  The only downside is I probably sold it too cheap at $1,200, but the idea of renting a truck with a hitch, finding a storage location, or taking it to my mom's house (three hours away) just seemed like a problem.  Shit, what if the tires are bad and then I needed to buy new tires?  Apparently, now RV's need to pass inspections before being considered road worthy, I had never taken it to get an inspection.  If I kept it close to me in Austin, I was surely going to be paying a good $100 a month, so all things considered, I took the offer.  I mean between the land and the RV, I still made out with almost $6,000.
    Nothing is ever easy though, the meeting was set for 9:30am, which sounded like a good time since the banks are not open all day on the weekends and we did the transaction at Wells Fargo Bank.  It hurt so much to get up at 7:30am, specially because I had spent Thursday night and Friday all day cleaning and fixing up the house.  It is Sunday morning and my back is still sore.  I did like that we met at a bank because I don't know these people and what if I got a fraudulent check or fake cash or gave me cash and then had a friend follow us and hold us up, blechhh, so many thoughts when it comes to money transactions.
    The couple was very nice, he was even wearing a company shirt and said he worked for a company that has cabins, which he had built most of them and they rent them by the river in New Braunfels and San Marcos.  If we wanted to ever try them, to mention his name and we would be given a discount or if they were not busy, maybe even let us stay for free.  I thanked him for the offer but that I didn't like taking advantage of people like that.  He said it was no big deal, he doesn't have much family to use his discounts, so it would be fine.  I really did like the offer, I told him maybe.
    Back to the deal though, the bank had a notary, we both signed some paperwork my brother in law had printed up with the address of the property and our names along with a bunch of lawyer words like henceforth and seller and buyer, etc.  When it was time to do the money part, the wife went to the teller and had her print a cashier's check which looked like a pay stub and then I got this directly from the teller, so It felt very legitimate.  I wanted to go get rid of it as quickly as possible, but we were also over in Sattler, which is the village outside New Braunfels that hugs the lake and although there was a Wells Fargo, there wasn't an RBFCU.  We went and looked over the RV quickly (athough I had been told it had been broken into, nothing looked out of place and even the door and frame looked fine, so the deal is on for this Friday), at this point we were only a few miles away, then we headed back to Austin.  We were back by noon, picked up Boy and Sweetie and went to eat wings, poor Wife was in class until 4:00pm.

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