Wednesday, October 16, 2019

10/16/19 What Is Appropriate Age For Kids To See R rated Movies?

    I know that the title seems to answer itself when a Rated R movie says no children under 17 allowed, but that is BS.  Kids today spend all their free time playing games that appear to be getting them ready for the military where killing is just what you do to advance.  I know, don't get your panties in a wad, I know video games don't make killers, how dare I even approach that ridiculous idea.  No, my point is that the idiots in charge of putting a rating on a movie will allow kids to see a movie where someone gets decapitated, but goddammit if they see a nipple, that is an outrage.  I don't believe that the ratings system is honest enough.  Why is the naked body an automatic R rating anyway?
    I digress, one of the reasons for bringing this up is a couple weeks ago, Javalina, who is 14, tried going to the movies with his friends to see It, the second part to that clown movie, which I thought was pretty stupid in the first place.  Wife dragged us to see the first one, then he wanted to go because it is Halloween season and they wanted to see something cool.  Come on, you don't expect teenagers to go to the movies to watch cartoons, do you?  Most good movies nowadays are rated R.  He was stopped by the person selling tickets, it did not help that the youngest looking guy in the group had his little brother who looked like he was in third grade, little chubby baby face.
    Yesterday, I was leaving work a little late and ran into my boss.  He wondered why I was leaving so late, it was like 9:30am, and I told him I got caught up arguing over the Joker movie which I thought was very good and Monster Drink thought it was very bad.  We then talked for a minute and said he was wondering about going to see it with his 13 year old.  I told him I might not be someone to ask because I don't really censor my kids, I am alright with them looking at whatever, life is life, you can't protect them like little flowers all your life.  At 13-14, they are already watching things on their phones that would shock us in our teen years.  I don't know if I am doing the right thing or not.  I am glad I only have boys, I feel maybe girls should be protected more, but I don't know why.  Probably in the same way that men are expected to sign up and die for their country, but women get to argue that life isn't fair.  I don't know, I guess I just want my son to have snap and not have this crazy world be a shock to him.  If anything, that rating thing should be moved down to about 12.  Kids older than 12 are already exposing themselves to much more than we think, I think.

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