Sunday, October 20, 2019

10/19/19 Tex Ren Fest 2019 Style?

    Maybe  I am just not used to doing activities anymore, maybe I am getting older, but again, I was not looking forward to going to the Renaissance Festival.  We had seen that it was going to be warm and the idea of walking around in the hot sun just isn't my idea of fun.  Plus, I am still kind of hurting from my left knee and I basically left a lot of money on the table by not working the OT I claimed I didn't want.  All that being said, I was still glad we went out there Saturday afternoon.  We had a chance to hang out as a family.  I thought Boy was going to take Sweetie, but she stayed behind to work or do homework, so we had Boy's attention all day.
    Wife's family went as well as my mom and brother.  My dad is getting older and he did not want the hassle of walking out in the heat all afternoon, so he stayed at my house while my mom and brother drove with us.  We walked about half of the time with my in-laws and it was nice and all, but they do walk especially slow and although they took our nephews, they walked off since they walk a lot faster.  we all met at Sherwood Forest where the games are located and I got Javalina to try the big hammer striker and he did fairly well, for a kid, getting the metal thing to go up and about a foot or two away from ringing the bell.  My nephew, who is a freaking monster of a boy made it ring 2 out of 3 times and might have gotten all three times if he had waited for the ringer to have settled down and stop bouncing after going all the way up the first time.
    We managed to leave at a fairly early time, we left the house at an early 8:00am, although Wife wanted to leave by 7:00am.  I went ahead and checked the tires of the Excursion with my air pump and found that both rear wheels were down in the 35lbs area, when they should be at 55lbs.  I pumped them up to the correct pressure and also vacuum cleaned the inside.  I felt pretty good in the morning and managed to drive the whole way up there and got us there in one piece, but on the way back, it was another story entirely.  I gave Wife the keys and I let her take over.  I don't think I made it past 4-5 miles.  I fell asleep and hard.  I woke at one point only because I was freezing with both air ducts pointed at me.  I pointed them away and moaned to Wife to turn down the A/C.  I would have asked for a blanket from the back but both boys were asleep pretty hard too.  Part of the reason for all this is that we are all nocturnal animals and prefer to be awake at night and not so early like we did.
    Still, we got back to civilization, Wife stopped for some KFC and we managed to get home by 8:30pm and Wife even had dinner ready to go, that's why she's the boss.  We ate, somehow, I couldn't manage to keep my eyes open and basically ate half asleep, moved over to the sofa, still half asleep and eventually made my way upstairs.  I know Wife was still u, watching her shows for a couple more hours.  I slept solidly, from like 8:30pm to 2:30am before I got up to pee.  I did get up at 6:00am, but only because I need to write a couple of these.

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