Thursday, October 3, 2019

10/3/19 On The Diet, Again?

    I know I sound like a broken record, but I have gotten on a diet again.  The last time was at the start of the year with Javalina and we both lost about 40 pounds by mostly doing Atkins, or staying away from carbs.  People are calling it Keto or Atkins or South Beach, or Caveman diet, but I think they are all the same in that we are supposed to cut out carbs and sugars to get our bodies into ketosis.  I am not calling myself an expert but when I am trying my best to follow the diet structure, I can lose about a pound a day.  I hadn't said anything because I tend to get ahead of myself, so I wanted to see how it was going to work out this time and so far the results have been a mixed bag, the difference is I am not going to let it control me completely.
    I started about a month ago and as of today, I have lost 20 pounds or so.  Sadly, I lost 40 in January and put them all back, so I am still not in new territory.  Last time I actually saw the scale stay in the 300's.  I started again from the 430 pound area and am feeling better even if I am still a hippo sized 410 pounds.  Last time I fell off the wagon and I just never got back on it, but last time I also felt I was doing it for Javalina.  He has lost 40 pounds and is staying in that 220 pound range now since February.
    I told Wife I was just going to make that effort of going slow and steady.  If I see a cake and I devour it, oh well, just continue the next day, no big deal.  The first weekend I decided I was starting this, there was a birthday party at my in-laws.  We went and I ate a bunch of cake, I just decided it was only one day, just continue with your diet tomorrow.  The same thing happened again this past weekend, Boy has never voluntarily gone out and bought pan dulce (Mexican pastries), but he came home with a good sized bag.  I said "what the hell?", nobody else really eats this stuff, except me.  I just decided it was the weekend and I would eat some Saturday night and another piece or two Sunday morning and then Sunday night I would throw away whatever was still there.  I had seen 409 on the scale last Friday, Monday it said 412, but I just kept going, and I am back at 408 today.  I could've have just gotten mad at myself and spiraled out right there, but I am trying to just take it in stride.  As long as the overall picture looks like I am going down, I will try to continue eating like this.  I am almost 50, and I don't want to be the first of my siblings with diabetes.  I mean I am sure it is headed my way, but I would like to delay it another 10-15 years.  We'll see.

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