Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10/22/19 What Is Right?

    I got into a pretty heated debate recently and it left me thinking if again, like anything Trump related, are the people that listen to him mouth breathers or am I so soft I would give the country away to foreigners with a nice smile?  Ultimately, this falls into another perfect reason why I believe religion should just go away from the planet entirely.  It has just become another way to draw a line in the sand and say we are x and you are y and our way of living (and dying) is better than yours.  Man, the Trump types, to be nice, are running out of ways to separate and make enemies.  It used to be skin color, if you were black you were inferior and white was right.  That was proved wrong, but in the meanwhile, whole laws were written to try and keep the different people from mixing.  Nowadays, that doesn't seem to be as big a deal, at least in big cities where people are exposed to more stuff.  Still, small brains in small cities still think backward thoughts, and that may never change, too bad for them.
    To me, religion is another one of these things.  People see different and thus a line must be drawn.  I don't think the bulk of the people are willing to die for their "god", but, as in anything and like we have been told, extremists exist everywhere.  Sure, there are muslims who hate us, like in the 9/11 attacks and they might even have good reasons, but Americans are attacked by a lot of groups, probably the biggest being our own right wing extremists with their guns who can't wrap their heads around the bulk of America being happy to just exist.  In the past two years, most of those shootings have been homemade assholes, not strangers from another country.
    I refuse to live scared of my neighbor because he might have different skin or different ideas that is what makes the United States the great country that it is.  A comedian was talking about this awhile ago, look at our gymnastic squad at the next Olympics, it is a mix of different people, all trying their best to be the best for their country.  Look at the Chinese team, it is all Chinese, look at the German team, all German people and on and on.  This country is better and thus more hated because enough of us are tolerant enough to let us live like a big stew and just be a big mix of the world.
    Plus, the 9/11 atrocity turned 18 years old and it's not like it has been copied over and over.  I know, the extremists have killed many people in other countries, but haven't our own extremists be they brown, black, or white, and without the promise of 72 virgins, also had their share of killings in the last 20 years?

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