Wednesday, March 6, 2019

3/6/19 Band Recital Pre Contest?

    Javalina had a surprising band recital, so much so that if Wife hadn't told me, we might have missed it.  He acted surprised when I asked him about it.  He has been so focused on the start of track and field that he says he can't focus on anything else.  Today was the second day track and field has been postponed, due to the cold though, I think.
    I was half awake at 4:00pm today because he had said he was going to practice with the shot putters after school and then have the recital at 6:00pm.  I figured he might call early to go get him and he did, like by 4:05pm.  I slid on some warm ups and a shirt and I was on my way.  Since I had thought he was going to be busy, I did not get meat out to defrost, so we ate out, at Pollo Loco or something like that.  It wasn't too bad, it replaced the Hardee's there on Slaughter and First.  The only problem I had eating there was the $26 price tag for two plates of Mexican food.  We got back home about 4:50pm and both headed to our respective showers to get ready.  I woke up around noon worried about having to iron his clothes in a rush, so I did it then.  His shirt and pant were both ironed and ready to go, thanks to my super powers.
    We left and arrived at his school at around 6:05pm.  He ran in to get with his group to do whatever you do prior to performing.  I stayed in the Excursion and continued talking with Wife for awhile longer.  She had been up here most weeks for at least a day or two almost all year, suddenly, these last two weeks, she has been in La Pryor all week, so it definitely feels different, but back to the performance.
    I still feel that the first two bands could be combined to make one bigger band.  It was hard to appreciate the first band which was like 3 flutes, 2 clarinets, 1 saxophone, 1 trumpet and maybe 2 drummers.  I just don't get it.  Javalina is in the 2nd band and he is pissed about it because he says the only reason he is not with the best band is because of the Einstein program and how his classes fit.  I have to say, they are much improved over last year.  His band and the Wind Ensemble, which is the lead group sounded respectable.
    He asked me what score I would give them and I have to agree with what they got, mostly 2's.  They weren't great to say earn a 1, but I didn't hear to many mistakes and it did sound like music.  The difference between 6th grade when they started and now is world's apart.  The band directors for Crockett High School were there acting as judges, since they compete next week and I went to get a packet from them afterward and when they asked me which one was my kid I said so and so and they both said "oh, we know him!  He is a character, such a good kid, we already love him."  As a parent, it is nice to hear stuff like that.  I had him home by 7:50pm and I was at work 20 minutes later.

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