Thursday, March 14, 2019

3/14/19 What Exactly Does "My Body, My Rights" Mean Anyways?

    Let's just suppose someone tells you this, how much weight do the words have?  If you are unconnected to the person, I suppose they mean exactly what they sound like, but what if you have a connection, can you whack an idiot for doing idiot shit?  I don't want to name names but few things are as incendiary to me as acting like you're smarter than me in the first fucking place.  To put my children in harm's way and you to act like you have it under control, that asshole better be puckered in and don't make any mistakes because I will call you on it the second you make a mistake, and everybody does.
    To come from it from a different direction, "Is anyone perfect?"  No, no one is.  I saw what I perceived to be a wrong and addressed it, do I not have a right to ask questions and tell an idiot "Don't be an idiot."  We could say no, I have no right to question people I did not create, fair enough, but what if their actions put into play circumstances that would involve my brethren that I have so judiciously raised to affect the world positively, not change fucking diapers like a mook.  Any idiot can be put to raise more idiots, there is nothing impressive about that.
    If you are wrong and then we are involved because we have now grown our family because of ignorance, then what?  Can you take it back, so that it is still "your body, your rights?"  If it seems like I am alluding to something, yes I am, and yes, it will be discussed, but I can only do that when I am off, so I get to sit here and stew over this stupid shit all week.  I thought this was something we had already discussed and gotten past, but now I see that I may have been lied to just to shut me up the first time.

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