Sunday, March 10, 2019

3/10/19 Surprise Trip Down Memory Lane?

    We went to my in-law's house in San Antonio Saturday primarily for my father-in-laws 76th birthday.  Wife thought she would sneak in a viewing of a play in which one of her nephews was coming out in, but I shook that off.  While we were there, Javalina started talking about how he is the greatest bari sax player and how he is the best at football and pretty soon he is going to show the world his strength on the shot put.  This little boy does not lack confidence, he can talk about his greatness for days.  He even has an imaginary bald eagle that lands on his forearm when he tells a heroic story.
    What was awesome was that my sister in law started telling him how I was really the best bari sax player.  She apparently was aware of the hours of sacrifice I did practicing after school and taking my sax home and then she mentioned that they had videos of us performing.  They still have a VCR plugged into their flat screen TV in the living room and before we knew it, we were all sucked in and watching the good old days.  She could not find one where I was playing the sax, but she did find our wedding video and that was fun to see.  My parents are basically my age right now, we looked like kids, Wife's younger sister was a little kid, probably in 4th or 5th grade.
    Javalina said it looked like I lifted weights back then, even through a suit.  I told him I did and at that point I probably weighed what he weighs right now.  I was around 220 pounds back then, the fittest I have ever been.  My lawyer brother is prominently pictured right next to me as the "best man" and he looks like he weighs around 150 pounds, not the beefy boys we have both become.  It was funny that Javalina said "Mom, you look the same in size."  she was pregnant with Boy, about 6 months.  Like I said, this boy is a whippersnapper at talking shit.  I wish the quality of the video was better, my Grandma was all over the place, dancing in one of her shiny sequined dresses, it was a good night and we are still going strong.
    As far as the party, it was low key, her brother wasn't even there with the 4 noisy kids.  We ate various kinds of enchiladas, with cheese and with chicken, then we had some cakes that Boy's GF made the night before.  She makes a mean homemade German Chocolate Cake!
    At 5:30, they started talking about going to a play, and I said no thanks once I realized we were not going to get out of it as a family.  I told Wife to go with her folks and I would go and hang out at Bass Pro Shops which is in the same area of town.  This was like the third time I had been promised a trip there to look at boats and this was my escape to make it to the store.  I was there from probably 6:00pm until 8:40 or so just enjoying the store without rushing, like when Wife goes with me.  She normally lets me enjoy it for half an hour before she starts acting bored.  It was all good, and we made it home by 11:00pm

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