Thursday, March 21, 2019

3/21/19 Chuckling Over The Newest Scandal?

    I was surprised to hear that rich people can't buy their kids into good schools.  Who knew?  Even on Black-ish which is on TV, the doctor mom makes a considerable donation to get ole Dum-Dum to  California University, which to add some realism, she has just embarrassed herself by getting caught cheating (because she didn't deserve to be there) in the second season.  I mean universities need all the money they can pull in (he says sarcastically), it isn't about teaching the area student core so they go out and help their surrounding community.  That is the only reason it makes sense to me that a place like UT allows students from out of the country to come and study here but charges them two or three times what the local yokels pay.  A smart person in admissions would then figure that it is more profitable to accept more kids from the outside, even if when they finish they take all that fresh knowledge back to their home country.  If it isn't about money, how does a University in the middle of Texas benefit to train a couple of generations of engineers and scientists who are mostly headed back to China and India?  Shouldn't they be trying to keep that knowledge here?  I want to see the universities training diverse student populations, but I feel it is in the interest of the US to keep it limited to American kids.  This might sound awful Trump-ish, but yes, each University has only so many resources, why give them to a kid headed on the first jet back overseas as soon as he gets his degree?
    So what will the punishment actually be for these privileged brats?  I expect about as much punishment as Trump faced for saying "Grab Them By The P*ssy."  Rich people have a way of being above the law.  I am glad that whole BS of the 50's and 60's where morons would burn books because they were of the devil are gone, but those people were good at expressing outrage over something that didn't matter.  Those people might be livid over this but in reality, nobody cares about this scandal, I am only writing about it in jest.  I know it will not go anywhere.
    I do find it interesting that when minorities were starting to get a little advantage that the Hopwood case happened, which ensured people couldn't have an advantage because of race.  Keep them beaners and blacks down, right?  Who is going to scream bloody murder now to keep overprivileged whites out of academia so that real qualified candidates can try for a better life?  The real shame seems to be like this example of some privileged a-hole taking a spot on the UCLA women's soccer team with no experience whatsoever.  All the other athletes on the team were either on the US or canadian Olympic soccer team and then this yahoo.  The coach and everyone else who enjoyed those extra dollars should be fired and maybe an I for idiot tattooed on their forehead, but again, nothing will happen.

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