Friday, March 22, 2019

3/22/19 Dressing Up My Boys?

    Today started out kind of slow.  We went to the dentist and Javalina got his permanent crown installed over the tooth that had been bothering him.  Right before that, we ate at Double Dave's Pizza Buffet which is right next door.  Javalina, like the grown up that he is trying to become got nervous as his appointment time was approaching at 1:30pm that he walked over on his own.  I was enjoying a last sweet slice of cinnamon apple glazed pizza with Wife and walked over maybe three minutes later.  The dentist and staff did their work and we were home by 2:30 or so and having nothing better to do, we slept until almost 6:00pm.  It has been a really restful Spring Break for me.  I might go somewhere but I'll take a nap as soon as we get back home.
    When I woke I remembered Wife was saying we were having a celebration next week, it is supposed to be a surprise, so I won't say much else, not being sure who reads this.  I had found a shirt a few days ago but still needed pants and I remembered that Men's Wearhouse said they went all the way to size 64, if need be. I invited Boy to join us but he had just got home from work, and he said no.  I cracked some jokes about him not being able to breath outside of the house without his GF and that got him going, saying I was going to buy him a suit since I was offering.
    We got to Men's Wearhouse at the mall around 7:30pm and time just flew.  We waited for our guy, Peter, to help us.  He has been helping us since Boy started dressing up back in high school, going back almost 10 years.  Boy being a slender frame pretty much looks good in anything and even though he started trying on some silly jackets, finally settled on a velvety dark turquoise/black jacket with a high sheen black shirt and instead of a tie, opted for a pocket square for a touch of brighter color.  He then chose to wear some dress jeans with this and ran to Buckle with Momma to go get a new pair.  I was excited to see what Javalina would do, whether go conservative and black or go with some color and all I can say is that boy is like his dad with liking the loud colors.  He chose a red jacket with a black collar that just puts a spotlight on him.  To tone it down a bit, he chose a black shirt similar to Boy's shirt.  I bought both of them another dress shirt for any upcoming special occasion and they both got ties just because.  It felt good to see the boys, Javalina especially, since he is just starting to dress like a young adult.  He insisted that whatever he got was going to work with the two tone shoes he just got on Saturday.
    While they went to Buckle, I went to Dillard's and found some dress pants to match the shirt I had found on Saturday night, Men's Wearhouse did not have anything that worked on my big ass.  I think I still need a new pair of shoes, so the plan is to go find them tomorrow.  As we were leaving Dillard's at closing time, they were putting up their additional 40% off on sale stuff.  We have had great luck in the past finding good stuff, so unless we find something better to do, I am sure we'll be looking for those sales.

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